
Discussions on the Hakka dialects.
Thomas Chin


Post by Thomas Chin »

In my Bao'an variant:

ought: /oi5/ Image or /jin5 koi1/ Image or /jin5 koi1 oi5/ Image

body: /won2 sin1/ Image. Literary reading for the first char is fun2, colloquial reading wun2 (turbid) and won2 (entire). In my variant /won2 sin2/ means (1) the body (2) the whole body. Vu sin could be a variant??

back: /poi5 long2/ Image

spider: /la2 k'ia2/ Image, spider's web: /la2 k'ia2 miong3/ Image

enter: /lok8/ Image

son: /lai5 tsu1/ Image. I do not use /lai5 tsai3/, but I suppose that would be Image

baby: /o1 nga2/ Image or /o1 nga2 tsai3/ Image

/ngia3 jong3/ Image

/an2 jong3/ Image but these are area-dependent, e.g. we use /an2 nung3/ Image instead

fashionable /hin1/ Image (same as Cantonese)

but: /t'an3 he5/ Image, or same as mandarin /put7 ko5/

logical: /hap8 li1/ Image

want: /oi5/ Image

I'll post more translations later...
Thomas Chin

Re: Translations

Post by Thomas Chin »

Some more translations:

/jin5 sin2/ Image = promise

/kui1 ki3/ Image = rule; regulation

/li1 ju2/ Image or /jen2 ku5/ Image = reason

/ts'o5/ Image = mistake; wrong

/t'en5 siu3/ Image = to help

/an2/ or /an5/ Image/Image = very (borrowed char)

/t'i3 ts'at8/ Image or /wong2 ts'at8/ Image = cockroach

/ken1/ Image = to follow

/t'en2/ Image = to follow

/piang5/ Image = hide

/k'ong3/ Image = hide

/lui2/ Image = money

/moi2/ Image = porridge

/min2 tsau1 ngit7/ Image or /t'en1 kong1 ngit7/ Image = tomorrow

/sak7/ Image = side

/tso3 sak7/ Image or /tso3 siu3 sak7/ Image = left side

/kiak7/ Image/Image = fast (I've seen them both being used, don't know which one is correct.

/ts'a1/ Image = to carry with hand

/sen1 ts'i5/ Image = fun

/pit7/ Image = crack, break

/ts'ut8/ Image = rub, erase (with eraser)

/t'ak7/ Image = to tie

/sung3/ Image = push

more later ...

FM Liew

Re: Translations

Post by FM Liew »

/lok8/ is not enter. It suppose to be descend( coming down or fall ).

Enter, in my 'Taibo Hak' is: yip or yip-ki.
Thomas Chin

Re: Translations

Post by Thomas Chin »


It depends on the Hakka variant. In Bao'an and Dongguan areas (and probably more areas) /lok8/ is used for both descend and enter. To enter is /lok8 loi2/ or /lok8 hi5/. In this context in some variants, i.e. my own, /jip8/ (or the equivalent /ngip8/) is not used commonly or not used at all.

It's very interesting and funny to note these and many of such differences in all the variants.


Thomas Chin

FM Liew wrote:

> Thomas,
> /lok8/ is not enter. It suppose to be descend( coming down or
> fall ).
> Enter, in my 'Taibo Hak' is: yip or yip-ki.
Dylan Sung

Re: Translations

Post by Dylan Sung »

Yes, I quite agree. My wife is from Longchuan near Heyuan in Guangdong, and she uses 入 /zip1/ (equivalent to /Nip5/ in my dialect). The pronunciation is rather like zip as in a fastener which you pull to close up a coat.

Come in a sit down is /lOk5 lOi11 ts'O33/ 落來坐

Leslie Chong

Re: Translations

Post by Leslie Chong »

Thomas - I also speak the Bao On dialect. Do you know the character for "bod" as in "bod tai fung" (blowing up a big wind), it might be the same character in "bod wun" (affected by fever).
Dylan Sung

Re: Translations

Post by Dylan Sung »

The character is 發 'fat5'. You may be wondering why, and the answer is because it is one of a number of characters which derive from an early stage in Chinese called Middle Chinese (MC).

At the MC stage the character 發 was something like pronounced something like piw@t or biw@t, notice the initial consonant. This later developed from two lip bilabial consonant b or p to lip-teeth labial-dental consonant f, as found in Hakka common readings. bot5 is thus a conservative preserved reading for the character.

Others include

fly 飛, fui1 bui1
fat 肥, fui2 pui2

bark 吠 poi4, but in Cantonese it is faai and in Mandarin fei

These remanant pronunciations tend to indicate that there are some ancient preserved distinctions in the Hakka spoken language.


Re: Translations

Post by Natalie »

Hi, from one Chin to another,

I never knew what sort of Hakka I speak but I can relate to yours very closely with minor exceptions, eg: (sorry, I don't know the 1,2,3, etc relating to how it sounds like)

/lui2/ = money I say 'chen'

/t'en5 siu3/ = to help I say 'bong' for help

/moi2/ = porridge I say 'chook'

Thomas Chin

Re: Translations

Post by Thomas Chin »


Actually, in my own Hakka dialect I only use /cen2/ (chen) for money and /zuk7/ (chook) for porridge.

I use both /bong1/ and /ten5 siu3/ for help. /ten5 siu3/ is rather universal for Hakka dialects and if you ask your Hakka-speaking relatives they most probably know it.


Leslie Chong

Re: Translations

Post by Leslie Chong »

Do you know the character for "bod" as in "bod tai fung" (blowing up a big wind), it might be the same character in "bod vun" (being striken by fever).