Why are you learning Cantonese?

Topics related to learning Cantonese.

Why are you learning Cantonese?

Post by Pazu »

Sorry if you've been asked by the same question many times before, but just wonder, why are you guys learning Cantonese? I think it's more useful to learn Mandarin indeed. (I'm a native Cantonese speaker and very much appreciated if you like to learn Cantonese indeed.) And I've seen some Vietnamese here, is it very easy for Vietnamese to learn Cantonese? How about Cantonese learning Vietnamese? I want to learn it and may be I will spend half a year in My Tho.

Andora French

Re: Why are you learning Cantonese?

Post by Andora French »

I am desirous of learning Cantonese because my next door neighbour married a Cantonese lady and she has no one to speak to when he is at work, so I would like to be able to communicate with her and make her feel at home.

Thank you in advance

Andora French

Re: Why are you learning Cantonese?

Post by Alaxieniye »

I learn Mandarin & nippongo, wanna learn some cantonese, for me it is simple, because wo xue putonghua xue de 5 nian. ye xiang yue dianr yuenan yu. hai hui dianr malaixiya yu.
wo xue yuyan shi yinwei wo hen xihuan liaotianr ba:)))!!!

Re: Why are you learning Cantonese?

Post by Chongtak »

To Alaxieniye nippongo is correct, but not used because sounds really strange, you should better say nihongo, nihonjin, nihongaku, etc... The word Nippon is alone, to name the country for example.

Re: Why are you learning Cantonese?

Post by tinuviel »

In answer to your question pazu:
I am an English girl with a Cantonese fiance. I learnt Mandarin at university, before I met him. But, things change and I ended up here in Hong Kong with him and it's necessary for me to speak the local language, in order to get the most out of living here. If I didn't speak (and write) Cantonese, I wouldn't be able to communicate with half his (huge) family. But to be honest, I have a great interest in Chinese language aside from that, and that helps motivation...

And I find knowing Mandarin doesn't help much in HK! :)


Re: Why are you learning Cantonese?

Post by Yee »

My situation is similar to you! I am from Hong Kong and my boyfriend is English. I live in England now. He didn't speak any Cantonese before he knew me. Now he is learning Cantonese because of me. You are right. Knowing Mandarin is of little use in Hong Kong. It will make life much easier if you can speak Cantonese. But learning the language is real fun and it's not as difficult as one thinks. My boyfriend picks up the language quite fast!


Re: Why are you learning Cantonese?

Post by mengz »

cantonese is still very much prevalent in canada because about 1 million hong kongers migrated there. however, also try learning mandarin because it will be a major language just as english has been the language of business since the global economic hegemony of the Unites States and the UK with its pro English
commonwealth countries.

Re: Why are you learning Cantonese?

Post by thribbi »

Dear Pazu,

ngo hok gwongdungwa yenwai hou hou teng ah!

For me, not only is Cantonese more musical and pleasant to listen to than most other Chinese dialects, it is also full of witty vocabulary and funny phrases. My favorite is ngam ngam caam caam, to describe someone who's always complaining (? I hope I've understood it correctly). Also, learning Cantonese is a great help when studying Classical Chinese as many words that are pronounced identically in Mandarin are pronounced differently in Cantonese, making memorising them easier.

Re: Why are you learning Cantonese?

Post by Chongtak »

To Panzu

Ok from now it's really stupid to learn chinese or japanese because we can all speak english. We don't need different cultures and languages. Or we just can stop talking to each other.
languages and cultures are treasure of mankind, we don't learn only because we prepare a trip or business. We learn for our pleasure a language we like.

Re: Why are you learning Cantonese?

Post by sara »

I wanna learn because thats what Bruce lee speaks and also simply juss cause it seems very very cool.