Xie xie, xiao pengyou! Ni yao bu yao liang ping shui? Ni zhu zai le Netherlands ma?
I believe this is Manarin, but I'm not certain if that is the correct dialect.
I need to have the following statement translated
Xie xie, xiao pengyou! -谢谢,小朋友!-Thanks,little boy(girl)!
Ni yao bu yao liang ping shui?-你要不要XXX?(Sorry,I don't know the term- liang ping shui)-Do u want XXX? or Would u like to have XXX?
Ni zhu zai le Netherlands ma? -你住在了荷兰吗?(The sentence is hardly used in this way.Usually we say"你住在荷兰吗?"-Do u live in Netherlands ?)
Ni yao bu yao liang ping shui?-你要不要XXX?(Sorry,I don't know the term- liang ping shui)-Do u want XXX? or Would u like to have XXX?
Ni zhu zai le Netherlands ma? -你住在了荷兰吗?(The sentence is hardly used in this way.Usually we say"你住在荷兰吗?"-Do u live in Netherlands ?)