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3 third tones in a row
Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 11:27 am
by milse
Anybody know how three third tones in a row are pronounced? The second one becomes a second tone, right? I haven't actually attended mandarin classes for years, so I've forgotten these little things.
And I was looking this up online and I saw something about a half third tone before a fourth tone. This definitely wasn't something they taught when I was in school. Man, I feel so old. (Actually the half third tone made sense when I tried some examples: like ke3pa4.)
Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 9:52 pm
by duaaagiii
It really depends on the phrasing structure.
In the following examples, a*b means that a tone change occurs from tone a to tone b.
你可好 ni3 ke3*2 hao3
我可以 wo3 ke3*2 yi3
可以有 ke3*2 yi3*2 you3
好女子 hao3 nv3*2 zi3 or zi3*0
祖母好 zu3*2 mu3*2 hao3
有手有腳 you3*2 shou3 you3*2 jiao3
可有此事 ke*2 you3*2 ci3 shi4
豈有此理 qi3*2 you3 ci3*2 li3
Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 10:12 pm
by duaaagiii
The third tone is generally pronounced as a full third tone only at the end of sentences or certain phrasings, and as a half third tone in all other cases (unless a tone change occurs). In Taiwan, the full third tone is rarely if ever used at all.
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:34 am
by milse
So if you were trying to teach somebody Chinese, what would you tell them about how the third tone changes? All the examples you gave make sense to me, but, as you said, there doesn't seem to be a strict rule. I noticed myself when I was trying to help people with their Chinese that a lot of the ways I pronounced the third tone depended a lot on the context. This wasn't a very useful comment to the person who was trying to learn off me, though. Is this just something you get a sense of as time goes on?
Thanks again, your answer's been really helpful.
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:14 am
by duaaagiii
You're welcome. There's only one observation I can think of that might qualify as a rule: it seems like compounds are treated independently.
For example, in the compounds 女子, 祖母, and 可以, and the first character always goes through a tone change regardless if the final character goes through a tone change or not. Whether or not the final character in a compound goes through a tone change depends on what follows it.
你[可好] ni3 ke3*2 hao3
我[可以] wo3 ke3*2 yi3
[可以]有 ke3*2 yi3*2 you3
好[女子] hao3 nv3*2 zi3 or zi3*0
[祖母]好 zu3*2 mu3*2 hao3
有手有腳 you3*2 shou3 you3*2 jiao3
[可有][此事] ke*2 you3*2 ci3 shi4
豈有[此理] qi3*2 you3 ci3*2 li3
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:17 am
by milse
Thanks again.
Re: 3 third tones in a row
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:58 am
by pothio
I saw something about a half third tone before a fourth tone. This definitely wasn't something they taught when I was in school.
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