Mandarin Survival Guide-ActiveChinese

Chinese language courses, lessons, and websites
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Mar 28, 2007 7:11 am

Mandarin Survival Guide-ActiveChinese

Post by Angie07 »

Hi guys, I think you will find this very useful if you are a foreigner living in or coming to China. If you have anymore questions, you can always ask ;-) Or you can come to my online classes at
Hello ------ni3 hao3-----你 好

Thank you-----xie4 xie0-----谢 谢

My name is -----wo3 jiao4------我 叫…

What's your name-----ni3 jiao4 shen2 me0------你 叫 什 么

You are very beautiful/handsome-----ni3 hen3 mei3/ni3 hen3 shuai4-----你 很 美/你 很 帅

I really like China-----wo3 hen3 xi3 huan1 zhong1 guo2-----我 很 喜 欢 中 国

I am from-----wo3 lai2 zi4-----我 来 自…

Goodbye-----zai4 jian4-----再 见

Where is-----zai4 na3 li3-----在 哪 里

I want to go to-----wo3 xiang3 qu4-----我 想 去

Turn left/right-----zuo3 guai3/you4 guai3-----左 拐/右 拐

Please stop here-----qing3 zai4 zher4 ting2-----请 在 这 儿 停

How much does it cost-----duo1 shao3 qian2-----多 少 钱

Pay by cash-----fu4 xian4 jin1-----付 现 金

Too expansive! Can you make it Cheaper?
Tai4 gui4 le0, pain2 yi0 dian3-----太贵了!便宜点?

That’s great-----tai4 bang4 le0-----太 棒 了

Excuse me, please let me pass-----qing3 rang4 yi2 xia4-----请 让 一 下