Translate this cantonese lyrics to pinyin

Discussions on the Cantonese language.

Translate this cantonese lyrics to pinyin

Post by Steven »

Can anyone please help me to translate this cantonese lyrics to pinyin?..thanks
please follow this link

Re: Translate this cantonese lyrics to pinyin

Post by Kobo-Daishi »

Dear Steven,
I used the NJStar Chinese Word Processor program to translate the lyrics into pinyin. The program is able to take a bunch of characters and to give back the pinyin for the characters with the tones either above the pinyin or as numbers behind the pinyin. You can get a 30-day demo version of the program at
It’s really very good.
取 消 資 格 陳 小 春
qu3 xiao1 zi1 ge2 chen2 xiao3 chun1

老 友 看 見 我 也 會 驚 訝
lao3 you3 kan4 jian4 wo3 ye3 hui4 jing1 ya4
平 日 杯 酒 不 沾 今 晚 總 喝
ping2 ri4 bei1 jiu3 bu4 zhan1 jin1 wan3 zong3 he1
不 厭
bu4 yan4
淺 灰 色 煙 圈 浸 沒 了 我 的
qian3 hui1 se4 yan1 quan1 jin4 mei2 le5 wo3 de5

寧 願 聽 舊 笑 話 安 慰 可
ning2 yuan4 ting1 jiu4 xiao4 hua4 an1 wei4 ke3
免 則 免
mian3 ze2 mian3

我 說 我 愛 你 夠 份 量 了 嗎
wo3 shuo1 wo3 ai4 ni3 gou4 fen4 liang4 le5 ma5
我 努 力 試 探 你 接 受 我 的 真
wo3 nu3 li4 shi4 tan4 ni3 jie1 shou4 wo3 de5 zhen1
心 可 以 嗎
xin1 ke3 yi3 ma5
我 太 過 愛 你 你 會 被 我 嚇 怕
wo3 tai4 guo4 ai4 ni3 ni3 hui4 bei4 wo3 xia4 pa4
不 是 嗎
bu4 shi4 ma5
怎 麼 你 眼 裡 只 得 他
zen3 me5 ni3 yan3 li3 zhi1 de5 ta1
我 也 不 知 道 ( 多 麼 想 知 道)
wo3 ye3 bu4 zhi1 dao4 duo1 me5 xiang3 zhi1 dao4

如 今 這 算 甚 麼 你 是 否 非
ru2 jin1 zhe4 suan4 shen4 me5 ni3 shi4 fou3 fei1
他 不 嫁
ta1 bu4 jia4
當 選 了 是 他 我 認 輸 都 不
dang1 xuan3 le5 shi4 ta1 wo3 ren4 shu1 dou1 bu4
可 怕
ke3 pa4
最 怕 其 實 被 取 消 資 格
zui4 pa4 qi2 shi2 bei4 qu3 xiao1 zi1 ge2
還 不 知 道 拼 命 掙 扎
hai2 bu4 zhi1 dao4 pin1 ming4 zheng4 zha1

如 今 這 算 甚 麼 我 是 否 這
ru2 jin1 zhe4 suan4 shen4 me5 wo3 shi4 fou3 zhe4
麼 討 厭
me5 tao3 yan4
只 知 道 付 出 以 後 都 不 知
zhi1 zhi1 dao4 fu4 chu1 yi3 hou4 dou1 bu4 zhi1
怎 算
zen3 suan4
最 怕 其 實 是 輸 得 很 遠
zui4 pa4 qi2 shi2 shi4 shu1 de5 hen3 yuan3
還 不 知 道 惹 人 生 厭
hai2 bu4 zhi1 dao4 re3 ren2 sheng1 yan4
Kobo-Daishi, PLLA.

Re: Translate this cantonese lyrics to pinyin

Post by steven »

but kobo-daishi
the pinyin that u had written is only in mandarin..not in cantonese pronouncation
i need the cantonese one as it is a cantonese song
could u please change it?...thanks

Re: Translate this cantonese lyrics to pinyin

Post by Steve »

aa = a in car, a = a in about
u = o in who, i = ea in tea
e = ai in air (stand alone)
o = o in hot (British accent)
oe = like er in her (French oe or German Ö)
ue = French u or German Ü
oeue = oe + ue
ts = q in Mandarin
dz = z in Mandarin
g = always hard, like g in goat
final -k, -t, -p are like glottal stops

取 消 資 格 陳 小 春
tsoeue siu dzi gaak - tsan siu tsoen
老 友 看 見 我 也 會 驚 訝
lou yau hon gin ngo ya wui ging nga
平 日 杯 酒 不 沾 今 晚 總 喝 不 厭
ping yat bui dzao bat dzim gam maan dzong hot bat yim
淺 灰 色 煙 圈 浸 沒 了 我 的 臉
tsin fui sik yin huen dzam mut liu ngo dik lim
寧 願 聽 舊 笑 話 安 慰 可 免 則 免
ning yuen ting dzoek gau siu waa on wai ho min dzak min
我 說 我 愛 你 夠 份 量 了 嗎
ngo suet ngo ngoi nei gau fen loeng liu maa
我 努 力 試 探 你 接 受 我 的 真 心 可 以 嗎
ngo nou lik si taam nei dzip sau ngo dik dzan sam ho yi maa
我 太 過 愛 你 你 會 被 我 嚇 怕
ngo tai guo ngoi nei nei wui bei ngo haak paa
不 是 嗎
bat si maa
怎 麼 你 眼 裡 只 得 他
dzam mo nei ngaan loeue dzi dak taa
我 也 不 知 道 ( 多 麼 想 知 道)
ngo yaa bat dzi dou (do mo soeng dzi dou)
如 今 這 算 甚 麼 你 是 否 非 他 不 嫁
yue gam dze suen sam mo nei si fau taa bat gaa
當 選 了 是 他 我 認 輸 都 不 可 怕
dong suen liu si taa ngo ying sue dou bat ho paa
最 怕 其 實 被 取 消 資 格
dzoeue paa kei sat bei tsoeue siu dzi gaak
還 不 知 道 拼 命 掙 扎
waan bat dzi dou ping ming dzang dzaat
如 今 這 算 甚 麼 我 是 否 這 麼 討 厭
yue gam dze suen sam mo ngo si fau dze mo tou yim
只 知 道 付 出 以 後 都 不 知 怎 算
dzi dzi dou fu tsoet yi hau dou bat dzi dzam suen
最 怕 其 實 是 輸 得 很 遠
dzoeue paa kei sat si sue dak hen yuen
還 不 知 道 惹 人 生 厭
waan bat dzi dou ye yan seng yim
Want to know

Is it Yale?

Post by Want to know »

Is it Yale's?
: aa = a in car, a = a in about
: u = o in who, i = ea in tea
: e = ai in air (stand alone)
: o = o in hot (British accent)
: oe = like er in her (French oe or German Ö)
: ue = French u or German Ü
: oeue = oe + ue
: ts = q in Mandarin
: dz = z in Mandarin
: g = always hard, like g in goat
: final -k, -t, -p are like glottal stops

Re: Is it Yale? (no)

Post by Steve »

Not really - It's standard Cantonese transliteration with some modifications.
I personally prefer to use y for /j/ (y in yes, not j in pinyin) and ue for /y/. Same with dz and ts.
: Is it Yale's?
: : aa = a in car, a = a in about
: : u = o in who, i = ea in tea
: : e = ai in air (stand alone)
: : o = o in hot (British accent)
: : oe = like er in her (French oe or German Ö)
: : ue = French u or German Ü
: : oeue = oe + ue
: : ts = q in Mandarin
: : dz = z in Mandarin
: : g = always hard, like g in goat
: : final -k, -t, -p are like glottal stops
Want to know

Is it Neo-Jyutping? And....

Post by Want to know »

Is it Neo-Jyutping?
Did you do the typing yourself or is there a program that can do the job of transliteration?
Many thanks!
: Not really - It's standard Cantonese transliteration with some modifications.

Re: Is it Neo-Jyutping? And....

Post by Steve »

: Is it Neo-Jyutping?
: Did you do the typing yourself or is there a program that can do the job of transliteration?
: Many thanks!
I typed in the transliteration myself.
: : Not really - It's standard Cantonese transliteration with some modifications.
: :
: :
Thomas Chan

Re: Is it Neo-Jyutping? And....

Post by Thomas Chan »

: : Did you do the typing yourself or is there a program that can do the job of transliteration?
: I typed in the transliteration myself.
Certainly the best choice. A number of
characters have multiple readings, which a
program cannot handle accurately.

Thomas Chan

Cantonese annotation program

Post by Kobo-Daishi »

Dear Thomas,
Are you the Thomas Chan who wrote the Cantonese annotation program in Perl on the net? The one who wrote the program has his e-mail address at OSU while yours is at Cornell University.
Kobo-Daishi, PLLA.