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Alternate forms of words

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:50 am
by Mark Yong
I have recently taken an interest in the alternate forms of Chinese words. For example:

1. 雞 / 鷄
2. 藥 / 葯

Although modern usage defines them as alternate forms of the same words, 康熙字典 lists them as separate entries (i.e. not as "同 X"), with separate definitions and historical text references.

For instance, in one of the entries for 雞 is listed "雞鳴"... suggesting that 雞 is the rooster, whereas 鷄 is the hen... perhaps?

藥 is defined as medicine in general, whereas 葯 is defined as a particular type of herb.

Any comments?

(Note that I am referring to the 繁體字 forms only.)
