Online CCDict Errors

Comments, bug reports, discussions on CCDICT.
Arthur Hewitt
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:53 pm

Online CCDict Errors

Post by Arthur Hewitt »

In my study of Chinese, I have found CCDict to be a great treasure of information, and I am thankful to all who have made it possible!

In the creation of such a large work, errors do happen, and in the interest of making it an even greater information resource, I would like to report errors and possible errors I have discovered. I hope this is the proper forum in which to discuss these, but if it is not, I would like to know a more appropriate place.

One error I believe exists in the online CCDict is the graphic image of the Character for Unicode Code Point U+20D52 (cui4, shui4, or sui4). CCDict shows U+20E52 (hong4) which is an entirely different character.

CCDict does have a correct record for U+20D52, but it is under the internal code C+263D72.

I am hopeful that my reporting this is helpful, and if it is, I shall be happy to report others from time to time.


Thomas Chin

Re: Online CCDict Errors

Post by Thomas Chin »


CCDICT still has many errors in. Error reports are very welcome and this is the right place.

I'll look into the isue ASAP.

Farzin Atefi

Re: Online CCDict Errors

Post by Farzin Atefi »

have a look at dou1 (UTF-16=90FD, KangXi=163/9) please.
I can't find it via radical lookup. You can find it via pinyin but the radical display
appears blank.

Jane Pette

Re: Online CCDict Errors

Post by Jane Pette »

The "shape" of the character for "whirlpool" (U+6E26, C+21603C) seems to be wrong, unless it's a variant. The dictionary entry has the little right angle in the top half of the character on the left side, but if you click on links to other dictionaries, it's on the right.

This site has been invaluable to me since I discovered it in 2001, and I think this is the first time I've noticed a potential error.



Re: Online CCDict Errors

Post by Dylan »

The angle displays differently depending on what font you have, even though the characters in ccdict are represented by gifs. If you look at the same character in SimHei and SimSun fonts in WinXP, you'll notice that for the same code, the characters display one on the left, and the other on the right.

They're font issues, or perhaps you can think them as variants.

Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:53 pm

Re: Online CCDict Errors

Post by sootho »

Dear all,

I am new here, and am interested in CCDict. I hope to help to test on CCDict for errors, and improve it.

Where can I download the database file from?? The one provided in "Download", version 4.2 isn't available now... Is there any alternative link where I can refer to??
Thomas Chin

Re: Online CCDict Errors

Post by Thomas Chin »

CCDICT flatfile v4.9.8 is available for download now: ... 9.8.tar.gz

The online editing functions for CCDICT are not functioning right now pending changes in the database schemas.

Bug reports can be send by email or to this forum.


Thomas Chin
Melanie Roy

Re: Online CCDict Errors

Post by Melanie Roy »

I have been very pleased with the CCDICT site, and frequently use it in my work. Recently, a problem has been occurring with the hanyu pinyin search feature. A pinyin entry can be typed, but the result is always the message "Sorry, could not find any records matching your search criterium". I have previously used this portion of the site without problem, and have not altered the manner of my entries. Hopefully, this problem can be resolved quickly. If you feel that the difficulty lies at my end, I would appreciate any information you could provide on what I may be doing wrong.

Melanie Roy