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chinese kung fu names

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 2:46 am
by rain
hello , i really need help with this .
i am searching the name for a kung fu school . we know southern shaolin style and tibetan kung fu style . +
we choose the name in cantonese .

" sai jong la ma pai nam siu lum kuen kung fu kwoon "

i want to know if these name is easy to read for a chinese man or is a very cumbersome way to call a kung fu school .

thank you

Re: chinese kung fu names

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 4:48 am
by Tony
Do you mean "sai jong la ma pai nam siu lum kuen kung fu kwoon"
is this "西藏喇嘛派南少林拳功夫館"?

I think it's too long of the name for a kung fu school . Not only cumbersome ,
but never been used too . Usually , we call kung fu school as "武術館"
(Pinyin: wu3 shu4 guan3 , Cantonese: mo5 sut9 gwun2) most of the time .
There are some other names , like "國術館" (Pinyin: guo2 shu4 guan3 , Cantonese: gwok3 sut9 gwun2)in Taiwan . If we talk about the origin of
the shaolin style kung-fu , the school should be called as "少林寺"
(Pinyin: shao4 lin2 zhi3 , Cantonese: siu3 lam4 ji2)