learning Mandarin

Discussions on Mandarin Chinese. Do not post requests for translations or advertise couses in this forum.

learning Mandarin

Post by Rui »

Hello, i can speak Cantonese fluently and want to start learning Mandarin. I just wanted to know if learning Mandarin is really hard? Bye Bye.

Re: learning Mandarin

Post by Michalis »


I'm learning Mandarin myself. My girlfriend always says that it's easier to learn Cantonese, if you already know Mandarin. But that's easy talking when yer Chinese yourself. *l*


Re: learning Mandarin

Post by IronMonkey »


I've been studying Mandarin and Cantonese for a little while now, and I think they're about equally as easy. I don't think you'll have a problem with Mandarin if you already speak Cantonese.

Iron Monkey ;)

Re: learning Mandarin

Post by Kobo-Daishi »

Dear IronMonkey,

How are you studying them? In a classroom setting or on your own? If on your own, through cassette tapes, videos, computer cd-roms or what? Did you know a Chinese dialect before you started your studying?

Kobo-Daishi, PLLA.

Re: learning Mandarin

Post by Epiha »

Hello, I'm a primary school teacher, who has just had a new student from Mi Kaw, I'm not to sure how it's spell, my apologies.

She does not know much English and I thought It might be easier from me to pick up some basic phrases and sentences to help the situation.

I am hoping that someone might have some resources out there that could help me in this communication barrier.

I would really like to expand from here, to broaden my horizons as I did learn some basic greeting in college which helps a little.

Anything would be much appreciated.

Re: learning Mandarin

Post by me »

is mandarian easy to speak?

Re: learning Mandarin

Post by David »

Hi - I want to study Mandarin, both spoken and basic characters. I am not Chinese. I will need standard English transliteration (pinyin?) as a temporary "crutch" to help connect sound and character in my memory.
I know that audio tapes together with writing practice will be the best method. I have an ability to make sounds right, with practice. I retired recently, so now I have time for fun things like this. Ideally I would like to get everything - both written and audio - from the Internet, without paying too much. Later I will try it with real people. Does anybody have a special recommendation of an Internet source for what I want?

Re: learning Mandarin

Post by Maya »

i am chinese girl from Taiwan and i can speak Mandarin. i just came to canada. i can say a little english and read in english. i am studying english.
i graduated university in taiwan last year. and i have "yahoo" or "MSN"
Message online e-mail . we can talk in english or mandarin by webcam or
microphone if u would not mind . matbe we can teach each other first
language , i think that will be interesting.
take care

Re: learning Mandarin

Post by Prince »


My name is Prince, I speak english and spanish.I want to learn mandarin chinese because I just found ou that my grandfather is chinese and my grandmother is Puerto Rican. Want to leanr mandarin now.I have a few friends im school that speak it, but i'd like to learn mandarin through here too.I live in Rochester, New.I just moved here from the Bronx.

Take Care,

Re: learning Mandarin

Post by Prince »


My name is Prince, I speak english and spanish.I want to learn mandarin chinese because I just found ou that my grandfather is chinese and my grandmother is Puerto Rican. Want to leanr mandarin now.I have a few friends im school that speak it, but i'd like to learn mandarin through here too.I live in Rochester, New.I just moved here from the Bronx.I am looking for a female from the ages ov 15-18 to tutor me in mandarin and I will help her learn english or spanish if either of those two languages they desire to learn.

Take Care,