Need help in translating daughter's name to Hainan dialect

Translation to and from Minnan
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Need help in translating daughter's name to Hainan dialect

Post by Jingqiang »

Hello all,

My daughter's name is Zhōu Qí ēn.

refers to (white gem); angel

[en ai] refers to the "mutual love between a couple", [en qing] is "deep affection". [en ren] refers to "the person one who has received help from". A prominent personality in history: ZHOU Enlai , the first Premier of the People's Republic of China.

Hainan dialect name will be Chew ____ ____?

Please help, doing birth cert very soon....
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Re: Need help in translating daughter's name to Hainan diale

Post by Ah-bin »

Please ignore the post of the worthless spammer, who will soon be banned from the forum...

I'm guessing, you are Bunchio Hainanese

The Qi doesn't actually mean "angel" btw, it is just how they transliterate the "ge" in the middle of the English word "angel" into Mandarin.


Chew Kee oon

I am not 100% sure about this last character, though, sorry.
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Re: Need help in translating daughter's name to Hainan diale

Post by SimL »

The 台文中文-dictionary linked to from the etymology page lists "un" as one of the pronunciations of 恩. I'm pretty sure that your remark about "uncertainty" refers only to the proper pronunciation of the character in Hainanese - the character is in any case correct, as I'm sure you are sure of too.

So, "Oon" would be a prefectly good spelling for it, if the pronunciation is correct. I had a uncle by marriage called "Oon Huat", and it could very well have been this character too.

Amazing what these spammers will do. The latest one seems not even to spam, but just say random things...