hello, i am native chinese, i want to practise my spoken eng

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Wenming Hu

hello, i am native chinese, i want to practise my spoken eng

Post by Wenming Hu »

anyone who want to learn chinese(mandarin) is welcome.

by the way, suggest u'd better learn mandarin rather than Cantonese,
because nearly all chinese can understand Mandarin, but most of them (including me) can't
understand Cantonese, Cantonese is the dialect of Chinese, it's only popular in GuangDong province.

my msn: wenming_hu2002@hotmail.com
my icq: 203-920-802
Wenming Hu

Re: hello, i am native chinese, i want to practise my spoken

Post by Wenming Hu »

additionally, i register a new account of Yahoo Messenger for chatting. ;-)

Yahoo Messenger: wenming_hu2002@yahoo.com

i'm free from 19:00 to 21:00 every day. and the whole day at weekend.

you are welcome ;-)
Wenming Hu

Re: hello, i am native chinese, i want to practise my spoken

Post by Wenming Hu »

i'm sorry that i forget to introduce myself first.

i'm a boy, was born in 1982, work in Hangzhou.
i'm very glad to make friends with native english speakers.
so i can improve myself in english, especially spoken english.
you teach me english, and, i can teach you simplified chinese.

we all have balls.

Re: hello, i am native chinese, i want to practise my spoken

Post by edelle »

im hoping to get in touch with someone who can help me pick up the language and understand slang please reply with your email address if possible thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon
wenming hu

Re: hello, i am native chinese, i want to practise my spoken

Post by wenming hu »

edelle, u r welcome to add me for communicating.

Re: hello, i am native chinese, i want to practise my spoken

Post by Aaron »

Wenming Hu~{#,NROk8zDcADLl!#NR=P~}Aaron~{#,<SDC4s@4WT!#~}
~{DcJGK5~} "we all have balls"~{!#~}
~{Dc5DRbK<JG~} "We will have a ball (~{NRCG;a::CMf~})" ~{0I#?~}

we all have balls ~{5DRbK<JG~} ~{!0NRCG6<SPX:Mh!1!#~}
Wenming Hu

Re: hello, i am native chinese, i want to practise my spoken

Post by Wenming Hu »

aaron, thank you for your connecting my fault.

Re: hello, i am native chinese, i want to practise my spoken

Post by marie »

Hi my name is Marie. I a interested in exchanging english lessons for learning chinese. I also am influent in spanish if interested.Email me at bonitamariposa23@aol.com

Re: hello, i am native chinese, i want to practise my spoken

Post by Philippe »

Hello ,I'm ,Philippe , a native french ,at I teach Engligh in a secondary school . I 'm interested in trying to learn standard <<chinesse ,so ,I could do with a few tips you could give me ;on my side I am pretty well willing to help with french and English . Hope to hear from you soon . Philippe


Post by Natalie »


I'm 15 (turing 16 in december) and I am interested in learning the basics of mandarin or some sayings like 'how are you' and greetings along the lines of that. I would find it interesting to learn a bit of another language, and if you would like to teach me, feel free to add me to msn at natjean99@homtail.com or just send me an email. Thank you :)
