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Re: Korean invented chinese language

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 12:00 am
by Hung Dao Dai Vuong
everything is "made in China"; hope everyone's happy now!

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 12:19 am
by hungdaodaivuong
it is so ironic that as the Vietnamese were ready to have their own writing system, it was destroyed by the Chinese invaders during the 1000 years of occupation.

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:10 am
by hungdaodaivuong
".......Chinese inventions can literally fill volumes of books. How do the Koreans and Japanese compare?

So even in the area of cuisine, it seems that Chinese has better standing throughout the world than Korean or Japanese does......"


You are such an idiot. Just look at the population of China, they outnumbered the Koreans and Japs at around 15 to 1 so of course they must have more talents than the Korean and the Japs. Try to imagine doing a project by yourself versus a group of 15 people and see how well you can compete with them. I find it so pathetic that the chinese have the rights to claim that they invent everything and throw out their "legiz evidence" to prove that they are correct but when someone also throw out their evidence to prove their points, those evidence is considered crap. Seriously Campbell, i don't know if you have the brain to think or not but based on what you wrote seem like you don't!

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:04 am
by Hung Dao Dai Vuong
"......I even heard once, but I cannot prove it or give the source, that the Chinese were on the verge of inventing a car many many centuries...."

why don't you and your chinese friends invent some "facts" to proove this, 2000 years later no one will ever know!

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:49 am
by HKB
technically, at the time when cHina had all its inventions, there wasn't a clear distinction of "Korean" or "Japanese" they weren't really nationalities yet. except for maybe Japan.

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:46 am
by Stephen
Dong Busu

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2003 7:27 pm
by Koji Kawabata
peterkim wrote:

Chinese historian like to twist the history around, everybody know about it.
u just need to look at the Baduk/Weiqi intellectual game, Korean always easily beat down chinese .if this is really your invention, why chinese done so poorly?
and look also at the sport, the world cup, chinese also done very badly if compare to korean.
In modern technology, korean made products like Samsung, LG, Hyundai,KIA
are popular everywhere, where is chinese?
a population of 1.3 billion can't beat down a small nation with only 40 million , or 80 million if u want include North Kore, but still we done much better than chinese in almost every area.
the truh is out there, is just depend on you guys weather want to accept it or not.
many chinese historian in China also agree that Dongyi was korean and the creator for Da'wek kou culture. it was also recoded in Shi Ji from Shima Ji.

I am doing a project about Chinese culture and the origin of the Chinese language interested me the most. I did not intend to reply or post any msg in here but I can't resist to response to what peterkim wrote. That is the funniest statement I'd ever seen in this forum. What is the relationship between World Cup results or electronic products and the origin of Chinese characters? So you are sayig that because Korea is doing better than China today, then Chinese characters are invented by Korean thousands of year ago?? If so, I don't see Korea is really doing very good today. America or Japan are doing much better than Korea, why don't you say it was the American or Japanese who invented the Korean language?? Or did you mean that it was the South Koreans who invented the Chinese language because South Korea is doing better North Korea today? Can you stop insulting the Chinese and give some scientific evidences?

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 5:17 pm
by A-hiong
OK, I don't get it really. I'm sorry but Chinese is an invention by Chinese people. If Koreans invented hanji then how come they don't use it anymore? Who's twisting things now? I think you are just overstepping your just can't believe that 60% of Korean culture is from China. You really don't make that much sense here. Sounds more like you are trying to twist history than us Chinese twisting things. Whatever makes you happy. You know what, I believe that Russians made Mickey Mouse. Same logic.

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 6:14 pm
by GaWai
this is such a funny thread

peter keeps mentioning circumstantial theories even though many of them were already disproved by facts mentioned by many here right in this thread. and that thread about electronics and sports had me laughing my ass off.

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 6:46 pm
by GaWai
oh by the way, may i point out that the original thread started in soc.culture.korea, and not soc.culture.china.