Here are some Chinese symbols that u wanna know!

Translations to and from Chinese.

Re: Here are some Chinese symbols that u wanna know!

Post by Jake »

i'm looking for the chinese lettering for "happiness is a choice"....
i'm having a tough time.... please help

Re: Here are some Chinese symbols that u wanna know!

Post by becki »

what is the chinese symbol for pride

Re: Here are some Chinese symbols that u wanna know!

Post by Monica »

Can anyone tell me what the symbol for "Time heals all"
leah jasper


Post by leah jasper »

what is a symbol for courage

Re: Here are some Chinese symbols that u wanna know!

Post by hayley »

i want to have my son's name tattooed on my back. but i cannot get the spelling translatee into chinese. could you please help? his name is niall.

Re: Here are some Chinese symbols that u wanna know!

Post by michael »

hi my name is mike i was woundering if you had like the abc in chinese if you do pleacee=mail me with a copy thank you
jason chen

Re: Here are some Chinese symbols that u wanna know!

Post by jason chen »

angle 天使
evil 魔鬼
Ryan Pratt
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:53 pm

Re: Here are some Chinese symbols that u wanna know!

Post by Ryan Pratt »

I am looking for someone who can spell the name 'Gracie' for me in Chinese.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Here are some Chinese symbols that u wanna know!

Post by Adam »

Hi i need sum big pictures of sarah in chinease n the alphabet in chinease cud u help me plz ad

Re: Here are some Chinese symbols that u wanna know!

Post by jon »

yo wat is the symbol for hate thats the one i wana no also for pain