Korean invented chinese language

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Re: You don't know history of korea

Post by Alex_rcpilot »

mdavid35 wrote:I have no time to make a comment on your messages, but I just give you what's the history of korea documented by the careful archealogical studies....
I see the history of Korea. And I see you have time gathering so much information in order to complicate this ridiculous topic while not being able to make any comment on my message. REAL impressive contradictory :lol: .

Like I said in another thread, you're really good in archealogy, but pathetically poor in logic, and in philosophy as well due to your fetishism in evidence.


Ever read about Holmes? What you are doing, is even worse than Watson.

Watson made mistakes because the evidence he saw - though objective - was partial. Sometimes the piece we miss, or the piece you hide, is the key evidence that would flip the whole thing over.

Those assumptions which Watson made based on the objective evidence, were reasonable to some degree, even though they proved wrong later.

I said you are even worse than Watson because,

A. The way you reason based on the evidence you revealed is worse than how Watson did.

B. Your THEORETICAL assumptions are OBVIOUSLY RIDICULOUS judging by common sense. Unlike those apparently reasonable by Watson.

You think such pieces of inadequate evidence can prove anything about the history of our language? None. Anything about your honesty? A little bit.

You were evasive on the discussion of instinctive behaviors of human beings. Your theoretical and archeological assuptions based on YOUR evidence were disobedient to the basic natural rules of human beings. The historical event you suggested wouldn't even happen to the world of parrots. No human being could have been so stupid to discard their own language and pick up a new language from others.

Learn the right way to treat evidence, before you make your next assumption that ancient Koreans built the Great Pyramid.
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Post by zzzxlg »

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Post by liduo »

It's very funny, isn't it?
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Post by owen »

zzzxlg wrote:南朝鲜:
蛮夷民族都那个德行 不给点狠的不会老实的 不管他怎么说 他也改变不了一个事实 历史上中国任何时候都可以灭了韩国 蜡烛不点不亮。
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Post by Achilles »

:evil: FUCK!!! Yeah,now what I really wanna say is "FUCK KOREA"!

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shameless korean

Post by whwpzy »

I saw shameless people before, but I never see shameless people this much as Korean.
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Post by KongLingWei »

Hi, Peter

I am so angry about the f**king South Koreans.

Do you believe that oral evidence speak by South Korean ? If you were not Korean, you must be nuts.

I have nothing to say about that small peninsula shit country, Just take a look at the World Map!

To all S. Koreans :

My last name is "Kong", I'm the 78th generation of Confucius. Am I offspring of South Korean ? What the f**k ~ :evil:
I am telling you , I am not your kind !

Shut up , South Korean !!!

Don't challenge the patience of all Chinese. OR, someday, without the protection of your U.S.A daddy, you will be our sub-country again.

China represent the Asian's pride. In Asia, we are the only one country who dare to say NO to U.S.A.

Not Japan and S.Korean whose army were controled by U.S.
You people are the shame of Asian.


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Re: You don't know history of korea

Post by bcyc2004 »

mdavid35 wrote:I have no time to make a comment on your messages, but I just give you what's the history of korea documented by the careful archealogical studies.


History of Korea
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This article is about the history of Korea, through the division of Korea in 1940s. See History of North Korea and History of South Korea for the post-World War II period. See also Names of Korea.

Amitabha and Eight Great Bodhisattvas, Goryeo scroll from the 1300s.The history of Korea stretches from Lower Paleolithic times to the present.[1] The earliest known Korean pottery dates to around 8000 BC, and the Neolithic period began before 6000 BC, followed by the Bronze Age around 2500 BC. According to the legend, the first dynasty of Gojoseon was founded in 2333 BC, and it eventually stretched from the peninsula to much of Manchuria.[2] By 3rd Century BC, it was in decline and eventually broke apart, producing a multitude of successor states.

In the early Common Era, the Three Kingdoms (Goguryeo, Silla, and Baekje) along with Gaya Confederacy and Buyeo, conquered other successor states of Gojoseon and came to dominate the peninsula and much of Manchuria. They competed with each other and Chinese dynasties both economically and militarily. While Goguryeo and Baekje were more powerful for much of the era, defeating Chinese invasions several times, by the 7th century, Silla's power gradually extended across Korea and it eventually established the first unified state to cover most of Korean peninsula by 676.

This period is often called Unified Silla. Soon after the fall of Goguryeo however, former Goguryeo general Dae Joyeong led a group of Koreans to the eastern Manchuria and founded Balhae (698 AD - 926 AD) as the successor to Goguryeo. After Barhae was defeated in 926, much of its people led by the Crown Prince was absorbed into Goryeo.

Unified Silla itself fell apart in the late 9th century, giving way to the tumultuous Later Three Kingdoms period (892-936), which ended with the establishment of the Goryeo Dynasty. During the Goryeo period, laws were codified, a civil service system was introduced, and Buddhism flourished. In 1238, the Mongolian Empire invaded and after nearly thirty years of war, the two sides signed a peace treaty.

According to the legend, the first dynasty of Gojoseon was founded in 2333 BC, and it eventually stretched from the peninsula to much of Manchuria.

hum im NOT sure what is LEGEND MEANS people isnt means a nonhistorical or unverifiable story handed down by tradition from earlier times and popularly accepted as historical

if so that MEANS u gave us a NOHISTORICAL STORY U F'N LIER
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Post by bcyc2004 »

Japanese called Chinese characters kanji (漢字 かんじ)
Hanja or hanja-eo (한자어, 漢字語) is the Korean name for Chinese characters.

OK now let me tell u guys something about Chinese.
Han Chinese (simplified Chinese: 汉族 or 汉人; traditional Chinese: 漢族 or 漢人; pinyin: hànzú or hànrén) are an ethnic group indigenous to China and the largest single ethnic group in the world.
Han Chinese constitute about 92 percent of the population of the People's Republic of China and about 19 percent of the entire global human population. There is substantial genetic, linguistic, cultural and social diversity between its various subgroups, mainly due to thousands of years of regionalized assimilation of various ethnic groups and tribes in China.
The history of the Han Chinese ethnic group is closely tied to that of China. Han Chinese trace their ancestry back to the Huaxia, people who lived along the Yellow River in northern China. The famous Chinese historian Sima Qian's Records of the Grand Historian dates the reign of the Yellow Emperor, the legendary ancestor of Han Chinese, to 2698 BCE to 2599 BCE. Although study of this period of history is complicated by lack of historical records, discovery of archaeological sites have identified a succession of Neolithic cultures along the Yellow River. Along the central reaches of the Yellow River were the Jiahu culture (7000 BCE to 6600 BCE), Yangshao culture (5000 BCE to 3000 BCE) and Longshan culture (3000 BCE to 2000 BCE). Along the lower reaches of the river were the Qingliangang culture (5400 BCE to 4000 BCE), the Dawenkou culture (4300 BCE to 2500 BCE), the Longshan culture (2500 BCE to 2000 BCE), and the Yueshi culture.

dont you guys get it Kanji or Hanja are CREATED BY HANS CHINESE or they dont
name it HANJA or KANJI

oldest East Asian writing
Oracle bone script (Chinese: 甲骨文; pinyin: jiǎgǔwén; literally "shell bone writing") refers to incised (or, rarely, brush-written) ancient Chinese characters found on oracle bones, which are animal bones or turtle shells used in divination in ancient China. The vast majority of the bones are ox scapulae and tortoise plastrons which record the pyromantic divinations of the royal house of the late Shang dynasty, primarily at the capital of Yin (modern Anyang, Henan Province), and date from around 1200-1100 B.C.A few are from Zhengzhou and date to earlier in the dynasty, around the 16th to 14th centuries BC,while a very few date to the beginning of the subsequent Zhou dynasty.

Hangeul (the Korean alphabet) was created by King Sejong in 1443. Prior to Hangeul, all of the Korean literati used the Hanja writing system, which were traditional Chinese characters with Korean pronunciation and meaning, and used a written language known as Hanmun, which was basically Classical Chinese, for official court documents. However, even with the advent of the Korean alphabet, use of Hanja and Hanmun in daily correspondence was not discontinued, with the Korean aristocracy, educated in Classical Chinese for the transcription of the Korean language, assumed condescending attitudes toward Hangeul and any kind of usage of it (as displayed by the number of pejoratives used to refer to it).
King Sejong explained that he created the new script because the Korean language was different from Chinese; using Chinese characters (known as Hanja) to write was so difficult for the common people that only the male aristocrats (yangban) could read and write fluently. (A few female members of the royal family could also do so to a certain extent). The majority of Koreans were effectively illiterate before Hangul's invention.
so if the Korean created "Chinese" why is so hard for them too learn it and they have to change it to a new one??? hum doesnt sound right?

AND one more thing

I think people who thought of "Korea Created Chinese IDEA" want to Destroy the Relationship between South/North Korea and China!
they just want us to battle they dont like the world so they thought of a Stuipd IDEA try to destroy us WAKE UP PEOPLE and STOP ARGUING
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Post by CHINA_wang »

The person cannot the shameless picture projap koreans (South Korean)