Korean invented chinese language

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Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by ANTHONY »


Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by Quentin »


Well I made the connection from knowing that Dai Han was Korea. I've never actually heard the word "HAN" as in Han Dynasty in Vietnamese. So I wasn't aware of the different tone or accent. I only knew the romanized spelling of both. Sorry :)

Vietnamese called South Korea - Ðại Hàn
Vietnamese called the Han-Chinese Empire - Ðại Hán

Two completely different tones.

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by ppk »

i think the 'kimchi' thing stands cos my korean friends says in ancient times when they have no fridge, the veggies were preserved in salt water in the beginning of winter. there is another chinese word i came across for 'sushi', (尺,simplified chinese font), but dunno valid or not.

i think 'dahan minguo' were used only after ww2. the call themseves koreans in the past. ancient french map denotes 'coree' for korea in the past.

for japan i think there are a few 'govts' at that time, and 'wa' was the one who got a imperial seal of recognition from caocao during the 3 kindoms.

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by KP »

Vietnamese called South Korea - Ðại Hàn
Vietnamese called the Han-Chinese Empire - Ðại Hán

Two completely different tones.

Yes, like I said, my ability to read Vietnamese is limited because I need to learn those accents and tones......anyways, good to see your here :)

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by peterkim »

Chinese historian like to twist the history around, everybody know about it.
u just need to look at the Baduk/Weiqi intellectual game, Korean always easily beat down chinese .if this is really your invention, why chinese done so poorly?
and look also at the sport, the world cup, chinese also done very badly if compare to korean.
In modern technology, korean made products like Samsung, LG, Hyundai,KIA
are popular everywhere, where is chinese?
a population of 1.3 billion can't beat down a small nation with only 40 million , or 80 million if u want include North Kore, but still we done much better than chinese in almost every area.
the truh is out there, is just depend on you guys weather want to accept it or not.
many chinese historian in China also agree that Dongyi was korean and the creator for Da'wek kou culture. it was also recoded in Shi Ji from Shima Ji.
Sum Won

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by Sum Won »

Uh... the topic was very interesting, but where does technology and all those other facts you listed relate to this topic, and why don't talk about North Korea? Does this mean that some how the southern Koreans are better than the North Koreans, even though the South wouldn't even exist without US backing?

By the way, correct me if I'm wrong, but whenever I see a Tae Kwon Do competition, the person representing China always wins. Does this mean that the saying "Tian Xia Wu Gong, Chu Ru Shao Lin" ("All Martial Arts Originate from ShaoLin")? Obviously not.

(If any of you think I'm defending China, like most of you Sinocentric people, you're WRONG!)
Aside from the last reply, I'd like to know more about the topic, but my classes for Korean don't even start until April next year, so would it be possible to get an English or Chinese translation?

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by PPK »

tell me about it, koreans even told me that kan-do, or the japanese swordsplay, came from korea... i think it would be best to relate everything to korean invention...

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by peterkim »

another good post that non chinese will able to deny it.

During prehistory from neolithic to iron age, there were two cultures
in North-East Asaia. In northeastern part (S siberia, central asia,
manchuria, and also current Korean peninsula), nomadic people
dominated, whereas culture based on agriculture dominated southern
China. Nomadic people mostly spoke in Altaic or other similar
languages, while agriculture-based people mostly spoke in
Chinese-Tibetan or proto-Austronesian. Chinese archaeologists have
mostly focused on the latter. Together with languages, features of
bronze weaspons or tomb styles were clearly distinctive between the
two. Ultimately, climate changes to dry/cold conditions drove the
nomadic people to the south (Koreans and Japanese) and to the west
(Turk, Xian-no, etc).

It is also quite certain that the nomadic people in northern China and
southern Siberia firstly cultivated Allium altaicum, the progenitor of
Allium fistulosum, and Allium sativum, the progenitor of Allium

With respect to various writing systems developed during the bronze
age and/or during Shang state, one thing is certain: writing systems
came from the east (altaic/nomadic people), not from the west or the
south. It is quite certain that people lived in the east were not Han
or Hua people. Do you know who published the first Chinese dictionary
in history? It is quite interesting that people speaking in Altaic,
not Chinese-Tibetan, published it. What kind of spoken language did
Yin/Shang people use? This will be a quite good question for your
exploration into the ultimate inventor of current Chinese characters.

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by peterkim »

The question of "who invented language" is very unanswerable. Language,
trade, people went back and forth. Even if Korean (I mean people who lived
in current Korea/Manchuria area) used the languages, it did not mean that
they didn't got something from Chinese (people who lived in current
Southern China). And, vice versa. Current idea about "China" is already
figment of Western imagination, anyways. Currently, there are more than 40
different dialects in China. Who can say who was first, and who didn't

I think all anyone can say is that "Korean made more contribution to the
development of what is known as Chinese language than currently
acknowledged". Workings of business, economy, technology, trade, and
commerce are the same today as they were 5000 years ago. What drives
linguistic development in today's world? Well, it's computer. You don't
need as much language to grow plant or raise animals. In other words, it
is technology which drives language, not agriculture. So, technology in
the old days were ceramics and casting technology, which Korea was and
still is world leader. You can claim deductive reasoning. But, that's
about all.
Posts: 134
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:53 pm

Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by Mark »

Kim niim: shut up. You're giving a bad name to Koreans everywhere. >|<