Korean invented chinese language

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Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by Xiang »

See, a new proof: a leading Korean linguistics expert, Professor Jintaeha at Inje University claimed again recently that the Chinese characters are not the Chinese', they belong to Korean's ancestors: Dong Yi ethnicity from China.(http://www.newdaily.co.kr/news/article.html?no=75706)

Additional reminding of a 2002 published history book titled "The History of Korea" written by retired Professor 林均澤 at Daejeon University in which the author describes the ancient Korean kindoms: Silla and Baekje ever owned and ruled more than 80% of the territory of China including North China, Tibet,Shanghai, Jiansu Province, Zhejiang Province,etc.
Stunning? eh? The real koreans never set a foot one inch outside of the peninsula, quite the contrary, they only have the history of being ruled and conquered by outcomers.
(http://tuku.news.china.com/history/html ... 18.htm#pic)

Just for clarification:
Dong Yi (Eastern babarians) is a more geographical term referring to many ancient tribes living in the east to the central plain of China. Prior to Han Dynasty(202 BCE–220 AD), it only referred to the tribes dwelling in now day Shandong and the north to River Huai. Those tribes were indigenous to China sharing the development of history and culture with the central kindom and later gradually assimilated into the Huaxia
ethnicity who can trace their ancestry to two main tribes of the same clan: Yan di (Flame Emperor) tribe and Huang di (Yellow Emperor) tribe.

The modern genetic study can prove this: almost all Han populations form a tight cluster in their
Y chromosome, and the ethnic minorities(a small minority of defeated ancient tribes settling down in outlying areas)are also genetically close to the Han.

Since Han Dynasty(the Han Chinese already formed), Dong Yi has a different meaning, only the nonnative genetically and culturally ethnic groups in the east including the northeast like: 肃慎(Su-shen) were so called.
And then from Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD) on, Dony Yi expanded its scope to the Samhan in central and southern Korean peninsula, 契丹(Qidan), 靺鞨(mohe)(usually identified as the ancestors of the Jurchen and Manchus), Silla, Baekje and the Japanese.

You see, the Chinese call you koreans Dong Yi far later than Shang period (1600 BC–1046 BC), you have nothing to do with chinese characters invention.

A simple logic: any chinese invention, chinese cultural development and accomplishment occurred on the land of Huaxia by the native chinese, it belongs to chinese history. It won't change even a little group of our ancestors ever migrated to other places bringing the Han civilization to the local babarians.
For example, the Americans can claim any invention by their ancestors the anglo-saxon their own?
Even they are of the same race same blood.

What about the Koreans? Everybody knows that koreans are meant to be descendants of Altaic or proto-Altaic speaking tribes, the population genetic study showed that the koreans originated from the central Asian Mongolians. You are more closely related to the Japanese and quite distant from the Chinese.

By the way, Peterkim said that Shang was Dong Yi, "Yi indeed denotes a 'big bow', which still symbolize why Koreans are undefeatable champions in Olympic archery". How silly!

The Shang people are decentants of 帝喾(Di Ku), the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor.
Mind you, the collapse of Shang was due to long period of continuous wars against Dong Yi causing
weakness of the kindom then being defeated by the later Dynasty Zhou.

As to the character "Yi", "Dong Yi" originated from "Dong Shi(東尸)" in oracle bone inscriptions, "Shi(尸)" shares the same origin with "Ren(人) depicting a sitting person. 'big bow' is just a

Furthermore, never claim Chi You, the God of War of southern tribe, who was born in now day Hunan
Province and descended from Flame Emperor your own ancestor. Shame on you.