Korean invented chinese language

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Post by korean1 »

what makes me sick is people like "peterkim" posing as a korean trying to make koreans look like idiots and bring hate to korea. The original poster was "peter" not "peterkim." "peterkim" is probably chinese posing as a korean, trying to be a comedian, I know chinese people like doing that.. Look at his posts... He starts off fairly decent but gets more and more ridiculous as he goes on posing. He starts talking about samsung, worldcup, archery, kimchi, he double posts the same facts over and over, HE IS OBVIOUSLY A POSER TRYING TO MAKE KOREANS LOOK LIKE IDIOTS AND YOU ALL ARE FALLING FOR IT. WAKE UP!!! Then the kicker, He starts talking about garlic and green onions and about "al" and eggs etc.. Then he says lao tzu was korean everyone knows he was chinese!! Haven't you people realized by now that he is obviously clowning around? Hes doing a PARODY !! No but you all fall for it, then now you will talk shit about korean this korean that.. Lots of these ridiculous claims are from the INTERNET!! NOT FROM REAL PEOPLE!! Do you believe everything you read?? Koreans claiming confucius was korean or koreans built the great wall of china or korea invent chinese characters?? Do you think Koreans actually believe that?? It's as ridiculous as the Chinese claiming Goguryeo as Chinese. I myself and majority of Koreans know that korean culture is largely influenced by chinese culture. How can we not we are neighboring countries. Ancient Chinese culture is very huge and vast just like the Roman or Greek cultures. I want to tell the chinese people especially the young chinese to not believe everything they read on the internet. There are people out there that are trying to bring hate to Korea, It may be Chinese, Japanese, American, who knows..
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Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by winniebree »

If you want to win a game, you have to play it.

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Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by matthew.t »

Great, it help me a lot.

Thanks a ton.
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Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by djjagu »

..Any of you guys taken a look at that thread? It's just a bunch of koreans or pro-koreans hacking the topic into mincemeat by shouting insults at a couple of chinese (or pro-chinese) who are determined to return the favor. I do have a simple question though, for those of you knowledgeable in this field.
There's a lot of talk on that thread about some ancient korean history books which chronicle their 9200 year history or something. Since when did koreans have a writing system anytime before the common era(time of christ)?

Here's the quote:
"Sukgeun Jung" <skjung@wam.umd.edu> wrote in message
As today in 2002, the history of Korea is exactly 9,200 years, not vaguely
> 5,000 years. The number of year is not vague at al. Several ancient Korean
> history books recorded it. Whether you believe it or not is another
> question. The 9,200 years is not related to any religious belief, as the
> history books (such as Taebaek ilsa) are not religious texts
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Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by djjagu »

..Any of you guys taken a look at that thread? It's just a bunch of koreans or pro-koreans hacking the topic into mincemeat by shouting insults at a couple of chinese (or pro-chinese) who are determined to return the favor. I do have a simple question though, for those of you knowledgeable in this field.
There's a lot of talk on that thread about some ancient korean history books which chronicle their 9200 year history or something. Since when did koreans have a writing system anytime before the common era(time of christ)?

Here's the quote:
"Sukgeun Jung" <skjung@wam.umd.edu> wrote in message
As today in 2002, the history of Korea is exactly 9,200 years, not vaguely
> 5,000 years. The number of year is not vague at al. Several ancient Korean
> history books recorded it. Whether you believe it or not is another
> question. The 9,200 years is not related to any religious belief, as the
> history books (such as Taebaek ilsa) are not religious texts

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Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by djjagu »

..Any of you guys taken a look at that thread? It's just a bunch of koreans or pro-koreans hacking the topic into mincemeat by shouting insults at a couple of chinese (or pro-chinese) who are determined to return the favor. I do have a simple question though, for those of you knowledgeable in this field.
There's a lot of talk on that thread about some ancient korean history books which chronicle their 9200 year history or something. Since when did koreans have a writing system anytime before the common era(time of christ)?

Here's the quote:
"Sukgeun Jung" <skjung@wam.umd.edu> wrote in message
As today in 2002, the history of Korea is exactly 9,200 years, not vaguely
> 5,000 years. The number of year is not vague at al. Several ancient Korean
> history books recorded it. Whether you believe it or not is another
> question. The 9,200 years is not related to any religious belief, as the
> history books (such as Taebaek ilsa) are not religious texts

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Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by 琵琶侠客芙蓉剑 »

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Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by 琵琶侠客芙蓉剑 »



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Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by chocochoco »

nja, or 'Sino-Korean characters', means the Chinese characters used in Korea, parallel to Japanese kanji. The sound of the characters is quite Koreanized, but the meanings are almost exactly the same throughout in Korea, China, and Japan. Getting oriented with some of the basic hanja's will help you to learn the Far Eastern culture in general. (It will also make you look learned, for hanja knowledge has been taken as a symbol of intelligence.)

Chinese characters are introduced to Korea more than two thousand years ago. Since Koreans did not have their own writing system until 1446 when King Sejong and the scholars in his Royal Academy (Chiphyonjon) invented Hunmin chong-um, the original version of Hangul, the writing system of China was employed as their official writing system in the very early times of history. The Korean language has thus received a vast influence from Chinese over the long period of time, especially in terms of its vocabulary.

Chinese-based parts of the language still prevails a huge portion even in present-day Korean. The Korean number system would make a good example. Korean, like Japanese, has two sets of numbers: native Korean and Sino-Korean. Koreans do use the native Korean numbers, but the Sino-Korean set is also used as much. When you tell time, you use the native numbers for the hour, while using the Sino-Korean numbers for the minutes and seconds: e.g., tu-shi iship-pun samship-ch`o (two-o'cklock twenty-minute thirty-second: 2:20:30, where tu is native Korean and i is Sino-Korean for 'two'.)
I think Chinese and Korean should be closer!
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Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by athelus »

I don't really understand discussions like these... 'Korea' and 'China' as we know them today didn't exist at the time the languages were coming into being. And even then, language is constantly changing, it doesn't get created in a fixed period of time and then stay the same forever.
Take English- pretty much any european country can claim they actually 'invented' it, languages like French and Flemmish and Latin were spoken in Britain long before anyone spoke English. But claiming the French invented English is silly because France as we know it today didn't exist when modern English started to form. Neither for that matter did England- fixed state boundries didn't even exist until the 16th century.

The point is, any simmilarities between Chinese and Korean don't come from one country inventing the language and another borrowing it, but rather from centuries of shared culture. Those elements of shared culture have existed long before China and Korea were formed, and will probably still exist long after China and Korea are gone.