Korean invented chinese language

Discuss the Chinese language.
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Post by whl24 »

Based on your post, I guess that you are a Korean too. I have no prejustice to Koran, but I do think your arguments are ridiculous, and you know really very little about the chinese language and writting system. If you want to back up peter's opinion, do do some research about it.

"My grandfather himself tells me that acupuncture came from Korea and what the Chinese know are parts of what his teachers knew. "
With all the respct, may I ask you, where did you grandfather learn it, and how he came to this conclusion? Like you said, that everyone has one-side views. Could there be any posibility, that your grandfaher is wrong?

"what we know is miniscule. Possibilities are endless."
If this is your argument, then I can just say, that everything in the world are unkonwable. It is meaningsless to discuss abouth anything, no truth, just possibility. Juraasic Parks could happen!!!

"What I think is that the term China should never have been invented. Uniting many different kinds of people under one kind is just disgraceful."
I am really interested, what on earth is graceful for you. No doubt, the Rom was disgraceful too. Today the most people in USA are the posterity of the european emigrant, and we call them "American", even the name of their country is United States of America, what a shameless name!!!

"Chinese calligraphy and writing style came from an ethnicity that the Chinese readily claim as a kind of their own when it really has no basis for such claims."
If you started talking about clligraphy, I think you should know, that chinese calligraphy is a kind of arwork, a further devlopment of the normally chinese writting system, and there are many different style of calligraphy. But only a few of them are been widely used in daily life.

"Koreans do use calligraphy"
So how many Korean are able to read or write in calligraphy? and in what kind of calligraphy. You have to know, that writting and calligraphy are very different. Just like I can draw to, but it can't be called as a painting.

"About calligraphy -- not everyone in China knows how to read/write in calligraphy (about 80% right before the PRC and 90% currently). It was even worse before modern times (say about 2 centuries ago)."
I think what you want to talk about is the ILLITERACY, not calligraphy. As I have already said above, calligraphy is an artwork. calligraphist must be well-educated. Well-educated could be clligraphist, understand?

And about the Illiteracy. First, what the illiteracy's rate has to do with who invnted chinese language. Seconde the Illiteracy was a very popular phenomena in mankind's history, it existed everywhere. Education used to be a privilege of the nobility and rich people. Do you want to tell us, that Chinese was not invented by the chinese (what kind of ridiculous sentence), because of the high rate of the illiteracy? I don't think it is an good argument. And even if it was like peter said, "Chinese invented by Korean", how many Korean were able to read or write in calligraphy, befor you decided to abondon it?

"It's just that we decided to use an easier writing system to represent our speech as calligraphy was causing literacy of Koreans to be low and communication of higher-class citizens with the lower-class could be easier through this writing system."
Was the calligraphy the only, or the main reason for the higt illiteracy's rate? I don't think communication between the different classes hundreds years ago would be easier, when the writting system was simpler. As far as I know that in 1945 the illiteracy in south Korea was about 75%. I think it was also pretty high. Today the illiteracy rate in China ist about 7% in 2000. I don't think the chinese language was greatly simplified in the past 50 years.

Without all these ridiculous in your arguments. You mentioned it in your own post, that "The logic that peter has presented might be rather lacking in truth". If there is no enough truth to back your opinion up, how can you start with such a serious topic, and do you really expect, that your argument would be accepted? If it is not, then what do you want to do, cheering us up???

I do have some respect for Korea on some way, plz, don't act as such an idiot.[/img]
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Re: Korean invented chinese language

Post by viola125 »

sunset wrote:Everyone knowes that Japanese and korean both derived from Chinese, why waste your time with this crap?
so agree with you. The fact is just the fact. I don't know what the Korean
want to do, they say 端午节 is their festival, and 中医 should be 韩医, what's that? just a fun!!!
life is unfair...

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Post by school »

Yes, we don't need to waste any time on this stuiped topic.

I'm sorry, but I have to say you must be a idot if you think Korean or Japanese invented Chinese. :wink:
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Post by Winnika »

Peter said:
Chinese historian like to twist the history around, everybody know about it.
u just need to look at the Baduk/Weiqi intellectual game, Korean always easily beat down chinese .if this is really your invention, why chinese done so poorly?
and look also at the sport, the world cup, chinese also done very badly if compare to korean.
In modern technology, korean made products like Samsung, LG, Hyundai,KIA
are popular everywhere, where is chinese?
a population of 1.3 billion can't beat down a small nation with only 40 million , or 80 million if u want include North Kore, but still we done much better than chinese in almost every area.
the truh is out there, is just depend on you guys weather want to accept it or not.
many chinese historian in China also agree that Dongyi was korean and the creator for Da'wek kou culture. it was also recoded in Shi Ji from Shima Ji.

Peter, I just wanna tell you that you are a ridiculous Korean, do you know how many times I've seen these words being translated into Chinese and published on Chinese websites? And if you do know something about Chinese, why don't you go on those websites and look at what people have wrote in reply!
I also think that it's funny so say that Chinese historians like to twist around history. It's the Korean historian who had twisted and stole the history of China and made it into their own! I feel sooooory for you and the people that believe what you said. If you wanna bet, go around and ask some historians from other countries and you'll know that how ridiculous you are being here. Seriously, there's no need to argue about this anymore, the truth is the truth, whether YOU want to believe it or not, and you know what, when me and my friends are reading this, we are simply laughing, because even though we are stunned at how Korean historians and textbooks like to twist around history, yet we've got nothing, my friend, nothing to say, there is no need to argue.

I'd like to tell you how arrogant you are here by saying all these things that Koreans have done well on and yet ignoring the things that the Chinese have done. Yes, Koreans are better at Weiqi than Chinese, but the Chinese is better at stepping down the Koreans at 跆拳道, which is something the Koreans have invented. And Yes also, the Koreans are better at soccer, but Chinese is better at bastketball and winning the Koreans with more than 40 points! Also, we are good at volleyball, ping pong, swimming, and where are the Koreans on these sports? Is soccer all that you can mention?
You have Samsung, LG, and blah blah blah, but do you know what Chinese have? I can't list them all here but also, when the Koreans are arguing about their technology and economics, these are about the only things they mention. Samsung accounts 25% of GPD in Korean and if Samsung fails, Korea fails. However, China is big enough to not let any enterprise like this to fail the whole country. And coming back to Korean products, where are the markets for these products? China! How can your enterprises survive and prosper without the markets in China? It's the same for Japanese products too!
And you know what? As a Chinese looking at these words, and I know many other Chinese feel the same way too is that we realize China still needs to grow, we can't be arrogant at some little achievements like you are, or else there will be no room to grow. You can't see the Chinese achievements and yet only Korea's achievement, it means how close minded you are and again, I feel SOOOOOOOOOOORY for you. By the way, how dare you say that you've done better than the Chinese at almost every area? Even Koreans will laugh at your arrogancy. Your economics had to grow with the help of US and even until today, the US has armies in Korea, do you find that proud? I find that shameful, why would the US be putting armies in Korea if they don't benefit from you and that you don't have the power to keep them out.
Sometimes you guys are just like the Japanese, denying the history and don't forget, Janpanese were really the ones that hurt Korea, why don't you go argue with some Japanese? So tired of saying all these, but from what you said up there, I can simply tell that you are stupid, the more arrogant people there is in Korea, the more possibilities that Korea will fail. Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by aqualeaf »

o_O the topic...a misled sheep...why did the person even bother posting this...lmao
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Culture-another type of modern war ?

Post by cannive »

I am much concerned about the motives of posting such thread regarding Chinese language by the author than about the contents of this thread itself. What some ppl from Korean want from China? We Chinese ppl beat back Japanese Invade in WWII, Now we are ready to defend our Cultures.Anyone with such evil motives, just try.
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Post by ripper159 »

Although I’ve watched this topic for a long time, I posted no reply because I found it so silly. However, I find that there’re some people here going so far and beginning to insult, so, I think that it is necessary to advise everyone one thing: we should not post any more replies about the thing that I call here "the sun rises in the west" whether it is a protest or a support. If we say it's nonsense, why do we pay attention to it. Why do we make it noticeable while it shouldn't deserve that?

I am not a Chinese or a Korean and I’m in favour of neither sides. However, I have a long time of studying Asian languages and I can affirm that Chinese characters are the cultural treasure of the Chinese. The basic background knowledge of these languages can be described briefly as following.

In the past, there was an invasion of Chinese culture in a part of Asia and some of the most influenced countries are Japan, Korea and Vietnam. That's why the Chinese characters appeared in these countries in the early times and these languages have a lot of words that are borrowed from Chinese (Notice: Korean and Japanese have the same origin with Mongolian (Altaic languages), Vietnamese have the same origin with Viet-muong (Austro-Asiatic languages); and these languages have nothing to do with each other or with Chinese which comes from Sino-Tibetan languages). However, these nations realize this and wanted to limit this influence; moreover, they also found that Chinese writing system complex and not suitable with their language, so, they invented their own writing systems which base on Chinese characters but more simply (the Japanese have hiragana and katakana, the Korean have Korean alphabets and the Vietnamese have chữ nôm. Today, Korean and Japanese writing systems still exist; chữ nôm of the Vietnamese is replaced by chữ quốc ngữ which bases on Latin for its simplicity and flexibility). I can assure that what I write was proved scientifically by scholars.

Regarding the writer of this topic, I don’t know whether you are the Korean or not. However, if you’re a Korean, I think you did take your culture for granted a lot. Korean culture has many interesting things, why don’t you introduce them to everyone with a true scope? Contrary to that, you tried to prove the thing that does not belong to your culture; it’s like robbing some thing that does not belong to you from the others. You’re making the Korean lose face and losing the traditional culture’s values of your nation. Just ponder my words if it’s correct or not.

Ok, that’s enough. Just put a full stop right here 
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Re: Oh my!

Post by rockycai »

geniuswhy wrote:I think God must be a Korean too.
i believe there is a korean say God must be a Korean on someday!

by the way:因为这个帖子,此网站的浏览量一定大涨,恭喜呀!
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Post by rockycai »

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Post by Hustla »

Hi Peter~``

Please translate this sentence into Korean " 肏你妈了个屄"