Peng you

Discussions on Mandarin Chinese. Do not post requests for translations or advertise couses in this forum.
Ming Che

Re: Peng you

Post by Ming Che »

Vanessa ni hao,

I just saw your post. Like you I enjoy learning other languages.=) But not like you-I only speak ying yu.=( Okay, I do know a pocita Spanish and muy pocita zhongwen but nothing worth talking about.

zai jian, hasta luega, see ya' later,

Ming Che
Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:53 pm

Re: Peng you

Post by turner »

My Chinese name is : Li minghui
My English name is : turner Lee

Very nice to meet you all!

If you send email to me , I will reply everyone too.

Hello everyone here!
Qiao Zhe (Hungary)

Re: Peng you

Post by Qiao Zhe (Hungary) »

Ni hao,
wo jiao Qiao Zhe (George), wo shi xiongyali ren.
Wo daxue (zhexue - aesthetic meixue), ladinyu, xilayu biye.
Wo xiang zhongwen feichang meili!

Hen gao xing ren shi ni!

Qiao Zhe

Re: Peng you

Post by Vik »

Wo jiao .....Vikash
wo zhuzai....australia

i love to realli speak mandarin, but i dont know how to get started should i just stay home and borrow books n tapes from library or do u short period course??
which one is rite?? from this 2?

Wo jiao .....Vikash
wo shi....Vikash

I'm confused??
nice to add sumthing in here ..bye people

Re: Pengyou

Post by py »

Ni dao yong Pinyin lioatian jiu keyi zhao dao hen duo xuexi Zhongwen de pengyou le.

Re: Peng you

Post by Juju »

Hi,I'm Guo Li.I know it's too difficult to learn Chinese,if u want start to learn
that I think the easy way is to find and know people who can speak chinese,right?There is not hard to find friends from around u.
Wan Shou

Re: Peng you

Post by Wan Shou »

Ma Li, ni hao,

Wo jiao Chen Wan Shou, wo shi Yue Nan ren, xue zhong wen xue le si nian duo le. Wo hen xi huan gen peng you jiang zhong wen, xi wang neng gen ni jiao peng you. Wo xian zai yi jing gong zuo le, ni ne? Rang wo cai yi cai, ni hao xiang zai xue xi, shi bu shi? Ni zai xue shen me da xue ne?

Hao le, xia ci xie duo yi dian, xian zai wo yao gong zuo le.

Zai jian, zu ni sheng huo kuai le.

Wan Shou.

Ma Li wrote:

> Ni hao!
> Wo jiao Chinese name is Ma Li.
> I am studying Mandarin and I just love it!
> I would like to have a Chinese friend!Please,friends,write me!I
> will reply to everybody!
> Xie-xie
> Ma Li
> ps..I am 22 yrs old,female

Re: HI

Post by CHEN PAO »

Hi Ma Li I currently live in austria, but im from China and can teach you mandarin. email me

Re: Peng you

Post by Tonya »

Hi guys I am an Australian that just spent 2.5 years in outback china and tought myself basic chinese. I have just returned home and keen to keep learning spoken mandarin


Re: Peng you

Post by abc »

shíjiàn shì jiǎnüàn zhēnlǐ de biāozhun