Characterless Cantonese?

Discussions on the Cantonese language.

Characterless Cantonese?

Post by Kobo-Daishi »

Dear readers,
Are there any words and phrases in Cantonese?
If there are can you give me some examples?
Thank you.
Kobo-Daishi, PLLA.

Re: Characterless Cantonese?

Post by Kobo-Daishi »

Dear readers,
Sorry. I left out some words. I meant to write:
Are there any words and phrases in Cantonese that don't have characters?
If there are, would you give me some examples?
Thank you.
Kobo-Daishi, PLLA.

Re: Characterless Cantonese?

Post by Anonymous »

The only ones that i've come across are corruptions of English words, or words central to the vernacular Cantonese.
For the former: kehn-sa 'Cancer' (the illness), chek 'cheque', lip 'lift' (elavator), pass-sih-port 'passport'.
And the latter: 'di' the word used to form superlatives, eg daai-di 'bigger', and the synonym to superlatives whatever they're called... ?
That's all i know of... there are prob. a lot more though...

(-_-) I'm so sleepy...
Anonymous, 15.

Re: Characterless Cantonese?

Post by Sallin »

Yes, there is a character "invented" for lift
actually, the Hong Kong people created a lot, but there still some Cantonese characterless
: The only ones that i've come across are corruptions of English words, or words central to the vernacular Cantonese.
: For the former: kehn-sa 'Cancer' (the illness), chek 'cheque', lip 'lift' (elavator), pass-sih-port 'passport'.
: And the latter: 'di' the word used to form superlatives, eg daai-di 'bigger', and the synonym to superlatives whatever they're called... ?
: That's all i know of... there are prob. a lot more though...
: (-_-) I'm so sleepy...
: Anonymous, 15.

Re: Characterless Cantonese?

Post by Daniel »

: Yes, there is a character "invented" for lift
: actually, the Hong Kong people created a lot,
: but there still some Cantonese characterless
Do you mean words other than the English words that are borrowed (sometimes haphazardly) from English?
I can just remember "set bho" which in pool is aiming for the ball. I know bho (ball) has a character but I am not sure about set.


Re: Characterless Cantonese?

Post by Kobo-Daishi »

Dear Sallin,
You are right. There is a character for elevator lip from English "lift".
You can see it at this web-page: ... vator.html
Kobo-Daishi, PLLA.
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Jul 23, 2009 6:58 pm

Re: Characterless Cantonese?

Post by bottlan »

The only ones that i've come across are corruptions of English words, or words central to the vernacular Cantonese.