new english exchange student

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new english exchange student

Post by Britt »

Recently in school I have a new foreign exchange student from china, she knows not a word of English and I really want to be able to communicate with her, I just need some few common phrases.

how are you?
would you like to sit with us?
excuse them
My name is
What is your name
Where do u live
i Live in

P.S. Thanx for ANY help!
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:53 pm

Re: new english exchange student

Post by antonio »

Hello/hi ni hao你好
Goodbye zai jian 再见
how are you? ni hao ma你好吗?
would you like to sit with us? qing he wo men zuo yi qi 请和我们坐一起
excuse them
My name is wo jiao 我叫/我的名字是
What is your name ni jiao shen me ming zi 你叫什么名字
Where do u live ni zai na li zhu 你在哪里住?
i Live in wo zhu zai 我住在
a girl

Re: new english exchange student

Post by a girl »

hi, i am collage student in shanghai china
i would like to make friend with some native englishspeaker, could you?
if so , e-mail
i'll wait for you:)
bye for now