What are theChineese symbols for love and also for eternity

Translations to and from Chinese.
Edward Ridding

What are theChineese symbols for love and also for eternity

Post by Edward Ridding »

Hi Can anyone help me with the chineese symbol for love and also the symbol for eternity. Thanks Ed

Re: What are theChineese symbols for love and also for etern

Post by rolf »

: Hey, i am surching china- symbol for love, lucky,and other. can everyone help me?

Re: What are theChineese symbols for love and also for etern

Post by Victorian »

In simplified Chinese:
love : ~{0.~}
eternity : ~{S@T6~},~{@4Iz~}
In traditional Chinese:
love : 愛
eternity : ~{S@~}遠,來~{Iz~}
: Hi Can anyone help me with the chineese symbol for love and also the symbol for eternity. Thanks Ed
Kerry McKerrow

Re: What are theChineese symbols for love and also for etern

Post by Kerry McKerrow »

: In simplified Chinese:
: love : ‾{0.‾}
: eternity : ‾{S@T6‾},‾{@4Iz‾}
: In traditional Chinese:
: love : 愛
: eternity : ‾{S@‾}遠,來‾{Iz‾}
: : Hi Can anyone help me with the chineese symbol for love and also the symbol for eternity. Thanks Ed

Re: What are theChineese symbols for love and also for etern

Post by Andrea »

does anyone know the chinese symbol for the word french?I am looking and cant seem to find it.If so will you please email it to me....Thanks
James Campbell

Re: What are theChineese symbols for love and also for etern

Post by James Campbell »

View this in BIG5 to see it correctly.

France: 法國 fa guo/
French person: 法國人 fa guo/ ren/
French language: 法文 fa wen/

法 as in 法律 is pronounced fa/ and means law and this meaning or pronunciation is not related to France. The character is borrowed to just represent the sound.