Learn Chinese Sentences

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Learn Chinese Sentences

Post by coykiesaol »

It must happen to you sometimes, you just forget something completely.

It just happen to me all the time, so learn how to say that is quite important, hopfully this phrase could also help you out when you are in that situation.

Tā zhègè rén bù zěnme jìshì , gāng shuōguòde huà jiù wàngde jiǔxiāo

yúnwài le .

他 这个 人 不 怎么 记事 , 刚 说过的 话 就 忘得 九霄 云外 了 。

He is really forgetful; he might even disregard what he said only a minute ago.

Function: It is used often to express someone is quite forgetful,absent-minded and careless