Please help me with this...

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Please help me with this...

Post by Carna »

I want to make a handmade present for my friend for her birthday and I bought a set of materials to make a handmade mobile clasp, but I didn't know that the directions how to make it were written in Chinese, unfortunately I don't know Chinese ( TT__TT !! ).
I have scanned the directions as I hope someone will kindly help me translate them into English so I could be able to make present for my dear friend. Images of the directions are below:

Direction 1:


and Direction 2:

I know these too much to translate but my friend's birthday is upcoming, I don't know what to do T__T. If you don't have time to translate these, I would be pretty glad if you can type these Chinese letters on computer and post on this topic, I will try to look at the dictionary and translate myself ( because I don't even know how to type these letters :( )

Please help me if you can >< and thanks for reading this :X
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:26 pm

Re: Please help me with this...

Post by flora0044 »

did your friend holiday finish ?
and do you still want to translate that paper ?
Posts: 51
Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:44 pm

Re: Please help me with this...

Post by candie111 »

it is a pity that i watch your post too late maybe you have done it and gave it to your friends
but it doesn't matter later if you have problems in chinese please ask me i think i can help you