Tone Sandhi

Discussions on the Cantonese language.
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Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:53 pm

Re: Tone Sandhi

Post by Helmut »

Can4 Saang1,

forgive me asking such a question, but are these two Cantonese tone sandhis for real ?

Concerning the 53->55 sandhi, well, I still failed to find anyone actually speaking 53 words and 55 words differently. They all sound 55 to me (with extremely few exceptions, e.g. the particle "tim1"). Could it be that 53 is history ?? And with it the tone sandhi ?

Concerning the 21->22 sandhi, if I understand it correctly, the word for Durian "lau4 lin4" should then be spoken "lau6 lin4". Or "maa4 faan4" should be pronounced "maa6 faan4". I just checked it on a native speaker with a clearly negative result. No such shift. I spoke it myself to the person. The shift was rejected as wrong. Did I get something wrong here ?
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Joined: Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:55 am

Re: Tone Sandhi

Post by panoo »

Dylan Sung's sent me a pattern chart for Hakka tone sandhi. Unfortunately for Mandarin sandhi people who are learning the language see things like Tone so-and-so with tone so-and-so changes to tone so-and-so however often the tone is not the same as one of the original tones, or at least not exactly although generally it doesn't make a difference.