Chinese state councilor gives speech at Yale

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Chinese state councilor gives speech at Yale

Post by fangyan1988 »

Chinese State Councilor Liu Yandong gave a speech at the prestigious Yale University on Wednesday, calling for the strengthening of bilateral exchanges and cooperation in the field of humanities.

Liu said that to build positive and comprehensive Sino-US relations in the 21st century, the two countries need to deepen and expand exchanges and cooperation in humanities.

"Humanities exchange is a bridge of friendship, understanding and trust between nations and peoples, which comprises an important part of Sino-US relations along with economic and trade cooperation," she said.

Liu arrived in New York on Saturday, at the start of her official visit to the United States.

state councilor 国务委员 guó wù wěi yuán
prestigious 声望很高的 shēng wàng hěn gāo de
humanities 人文科学 rén wén kē xué
bilateral 双边的 shuāng biān de
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