Learning Cantonese (學習廣東話)

Discussions on the Cantonese language.
Mak Zai (麥仔)

Learning Cantonese (學習廣東話)

Post by Mak Zai (麥仔) »

I'm just wondering if the Cantonese forum is still being used. I read through quite a number of messages posted on this forum and found them quite interesting.
I have been learning Mandarin (國語,普通話)for six years already. I've also been studying Cantonese (廣東話,粵語)and little Taiwanese (台語,閩南話). I find Mandarin the simplist of the three. It has a good system to learn by. I have been able to find quite a number of good books on Cantonese in Vancouver, Canada and Hong Kong. So far I have learned Chinese on my own. I do happen to have many Chinese friends in Germany, Canada, Hong Kong and Taiwan. These people have been a great help to me in my studies. 如果你學緊廣東話,而你需要D幫助,我得閒就幫下手. 我們也可以切磋切磋.我會在下個月前往廣州讀一年的書.萬一你們認識一些在中山大學唸書的人請通知我.
Mak Zai 麥仔
Posts: 30
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:53 pm

Re: Learning Cantonese (學習廣東話)

Post by canto »

: Hello,
: I'm just wondering if the Cantonese forum is still being used. I read through quite a number of messages posted on this forum and found them quite interesting.
: I have been learning Mandarin (國語,普通話)for six years already. I've also been studying Cantonese (廣東話,粵語)and little Taiwanese (台語,閩南話). I find Mandarin the simplist of the three. It has a good system to learn by. I have been able to find quite a number of good books on Cantonese in Vancouver, Canada and Hong Kong. So far I have learned Chinese on my own. I do happen to have many Chinese friends in Germany, Canada, Hong Kong and Taiwan. These people have been a great help to me in my studies. 如果你學緊廣東話,而你需要D幫助,我得閒就幫下手. 我們也可以切磋切磋.我會在下個月前往廣州讀一年的書.萬一你們認識一些在中山大學唸書的人請通知我.
: Mak Zai 麥仔
Mak Zai (麥仔)

Re: Learning Cantonese (學習廣東話)

Post by Mak Zai (麥仔) »

有人家糾正才會更上一層. 我在一些中文的用語上尚待改進.多謝你指正.請多多指教.

: : Hello,
: : I'm just wondering if the Cantonese forum is still being used. I read through quite a number of messages posted on this forum and found them quite interesting.
: : I have been learning Mandarin (國語,普通話)for six years already. I've also been studying Cantonese (廣東話,粵語)and little Taiwanese (台語,閩南話). I find Mandarin the simplist of the three. It has a good system to learn by. I have been able to find quite a number of good books on Cantonese in Vancouver, Canada and Hong Kong. So far I have learned Chinese on my own. I do happen to have many Chinese friends in Germany, Canada, Hong Kong and Taiwan. These people have been a great help to me in my studies. 如果你學緊廣東話,而你需要D幫助,我得閒就幫下手. 我們也可以切磋切磋.我會在下個月前往廣州讀一年的書.萬一你們認識一些在中山大學唸書的人請通知我.
: : Mak Zai 麥仔
: 麥仔
: 你好。
: 從你以上o既貼文所睇,你D廣東話都幾好。不過有D地方我覺得係有待改進o傢,希望你唔好介意。
: 例如你話將會去廣州讀「一年的書」,其中o既「的」字通常省略了講起o黎會比較順口。另外,文中的「萬一」,用得有D問題。通常「萬一」係用於一D你唔想但又有可能會發生o既事。而文中用上「假如/如果/若果...」來代替「萬一」,我認為效果會好D。
: canto

Re: Learning Cantonese (學習廣東話)

Post by Kobo-Daishi »

Dear Mak,
Yes, my pseudonym is Japanese. It is the posthumous title of a famous Japanese monk. You can find a lot about him on the internet or at a previous posting that I put up at the zhongwen.com forum.
Daishi is 大師 (Mand: da4 shi1, Cant: daai6 si1); a title for Buddhist monks. I forget the Kobo part.
I visit this forum quite a lot. Maybe, too much. It’s the only one about Cantonese.
I study Cantonese and Mandarin mainly to learn more about my own dialect. Some characters in Taishan are pronounced like Cantonese and some are pronounced like Mandarin. Somewhere in between the two.
I must hand it to you, though. You’re a true inspiration. Learning so much Chinese on your own and without a Chinese background.
Hope you have a good time at Zhongshan university.
Kobo-Daishi, PLLA.