Cantonese Kung-Fu terms

Discussions on the Cantonese language.
Kris Wojciechowski

Cantonese Kung-Fu terms

Post by Kris Wojciechowski »

Hi anyone who reads this!
As the title of this post indicates, I am looking for someone to tell me either where there is a kung-fu web site that has a good "dictionary" of cantonese kung-fu terms.
I do kung-fu in scotland, and I'm also now trying to learn Cantonese as a hobby, but from doing this I have found that a lot of the cantonese names for the things I do in my kung fu have been passed down poorly.
There are a very large number of bad pronounciations, which have made it impossible for me to find out what the correct way of saying certain things is. Is there anyone out there who could help me?!?!
Email me at or post a message in reply if you can.