symbol and name for tattoo (new)

Translations to and from Chinese.

Re: symbol and name for tattoo (new)

Post by Alexandra »

I need the name Beauty and Alexandra translated into chinese, Thanks.

Re: symbol and name for tattoo (new)

Post by felicia »

translation for Angel, Yvonne,Adrian

Re: symbol and name for tattoo (new)

Post by chino »

Please can you translate the word joy for me is my friend that is interested in having her dauther's name translated into a chinese character for the purpose of a tattoo. Thank you a million for your help.
Todd Mckay

Re: symbol and name for tattoo (new)

Post by Todd Mckay »

Hey can u please e-mail me the chinese symbol(s) for "Todd" and the number of my brithday "18/02/86".

Thanks a bunch
Cindy Watson

Re: symbol and name for tattoo (new)

Post by Cindy Watson »

At your convenience please convert the name Cindy into symbol for a tattoo please. I really appreciate it. Thank you very much!

Re: symbol and name for tattoo (new)

Post by Lea »

Hello , For my brother who has just had his first child , i'm lookin' for the chinees letters for her name Rianne . He would be very thankfull .
Also i'm looking for the name Jaimy en Tessa in chinees .
Thanks very much !

Re: symbol and name for tattoo (new)

Post by jason »

Dear sir/ miss
I would like you to translate my name in the wonderful languago of chinese, to be placed on my hand as a tattoo. My name is JASON. I would also like you to translate "thug life" into chinese .thank you.
Anna Le

Re: symbol and name for tattoo (new)

Post by Anna Le »

i would want my name Anna Le, Richard Ath, and Love translated in chinese for my tattoo thanx alot

Re: symbol and name for tattoo (new)

Post by sandy »

Can somebody please help me!
I want a tattoo in chinese with "Dick forever"

Thanks a lot!!!!

Re: symbol and name for tattoo (new)

Post by sandra »

can i have the chinese for the names Harry and Karl, thankyou