I would to have my name translated into chinese, Claire is my name.
And any chinese symbols that mean, "love" "hate" "adventurous" and more just like that, if you know any please e-mail me. Claire~
Free Chinese Name Translation - Yes!!
Re: Chinese Name Translation - Ben
There's actually quite a wonderful Chinese name "Bin" (1) - (1) means it's pronounced in the first tone, basically imagine a Kiwi (New Zealander) saying Ben and it amounts to the same thing.
Off the top of my head it means something like distinguished and dignified. That's very good as a given name, but it also depends what your family name is, because you have to count the number of calligraphy strokes in your whole name because some numbers are auspicious and others not very good.
So many people end up with ugle transliterations or try to aim for a 'clever' translation, but I like the ones that sound very similar or have the same meaning, for example, I think the Chinese name Hong (which means 'red'), translates beautifully as Ruby or Scarlett, also my first given name 'Dawn' (which I don't like or use in English), translates to Li Ming (dawn, the noun), which is also actually a real name in Chinese.
Off the top of my head it means something like distinguished and dignified. That's very good as a given name, but it also depends what your family name is, because you have to count the number of calligraphy strokes in your whole name because some numbers are auspicious and others not very good.
So many people end up with ugle transliterations or try to aim for a 'clever' translation, but I like the ones that sound very similar or have the same meaning, for example, I think the Chinese name Hong (which means 'red'), translates beautifully as Ruby or Scarlett, also my first given name 'Dawn' (which I don't like or use in English), translates to Li Ming (dawn, the noun), which is also actually a real name in Chinese.
Re: Free Chinese Name Translation - Yes!!
We have a purbred pup and would like to name him.....very good little boy in chinese. We had a pet named Ting How Chihiza.....con't know the correct spelling of chihiza?? Thanks for your help.
Re: Free Chinese Name Translation - Yes!!
I would like to know my name in chinese and the symbol please.
Re: Free Chinese Name Translation - Yes!!
i like to know how my name looks like in chinese,and what it means..