Evidences of korean relation to china

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Evidences of korean relation to china

Post by mdavid35 »

So far the response to the topic of the invention of chinese language was highly political and embarassingly emotional from chinese side. let us stick to the original topic, and present concrete evidences whereby we might have rational discussions free of the ranting so often seen in this thread.

(1) Genetic relationship between han chinese and korean. I contend that most chinese are unrelated to korean people, who are mostly of northern nomadic stocks, unlike majority of chinese who are of south east asian stocks.



(2) Dong-Yi was a part of north east china. Much of cultural advancement was conducted in that region, and it is definitely possible that korean, who ruled parts of china then, contributed to the invention of chinese characters. Confucius was born in Shandong peninsula, and it's possible that he had a korean ancestry. If we read confucius alienation from mainstream chinese culture, greedy and hopeless at his time, we can see that he may be of foreign origin, that makes him more or less unique and independent.



(3) Go-joseon was a ruler of north east asia in ancient times. Many of the ancient korean culture, as shown by the dolmens, and pyramids in that region, was lost, and external to the mainstream han chinese civilizations. It is possible that korean might have invented chinese language during that time period, as we all know that china was invaded by northern nomads so often, and occasionally being colonized and enslaved.

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Post by chairmouse »

hei, there are more than a billion people can use photo software to make a map.do you have some excavation can prove your assumption?

and we all know language can influence people with the mode of thinking,
So,If korea people really invented Chinese character, how come korea switch to an alphabetic writing from a hieroglyphic writing after they use it for hundred years?
Did they also invented a drug which brought a chemical change to their brain?

Ask Chinese people to invent an alphabetic write which could be better understood than Han language. sea if that is possible. or they west people to invent a hieroglyphic writing.

korea people stolen Chinese character thousand years ago, but their language thought determine the alphabetic writing is more suitable. that is why they gave up use Chinese character and invented their own.
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History of East Asia

Post by mdavid35 »

Once koguryo dominated North east Asia reigion. It's really a pride of Korea history. Korea was a ancient Rome of North East Asia. Shandong Peninsula (Confucius' born there), and Manchuria formed one unified state sharing one common culture of superiority. China often neglects what Korean contributed to their history, and culture. Without korea, china today could not exist. and shame to all chinese ultra-nationalists.



Land of Paekche

Land of Koguryo

Korea in ancient time
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Post by mdavid35 »

King Chi Wu (치우 蚩尤) of Bai-dal

was a military genius and subjugated much of today's China. In about 2,700 BC, he sent an army led by Hyung Oh to occupy Tibet. Tibet remained a part of Bai-dal for about 800 years. King Chi Wu appears in Chinese chronicles and his grave located in Shantung has been excavated. Today, some of Chi Wu' soldiers settled in in the Golden Triangle of Burma and their descendents are still there.

King Chi Wu's military successes were due not only to his superior tactics but also to his weaponry. He introduced explosives and chemical weapons to make clouds and loud noises. His army was equipped with swords, axes, arrowheads, and lance tips, which were made of bronze while his enemies were still in the Stone Age. His troops used catapults, high-power crossbows, wild dogs and even elephants. All of these were 'modern' weapons of his era.

The Bai-dal people were avid pyramid builders, more so than the Egyptians. The Korean pyramids were first discovered by an American pilot in 1945, who were ferrying supplies to Chiang Kaisek's troops in Manchuria. He took pictures of the pyramids and published them in newspapers. Until then, the pyramids were thought to natural hills. Since then about one hundred pyramids have been discovered, the one of which is larger than the largest Egyptian pyramid. Some of the pyramids are more than 2,000 years older than the oldest Egyptian pyramid.

King Chi Wu's battle flag (circa 2,700 BC) is believed to be the origin of today's Korean flag, tae-guk-ki (inset). The Korean nation of Bai-dal under King Chi Wu ruled much of China, Siberia, and beyond.

both Chi Wu's flag and modern South Korea's flag were influenced by Daoism. Chi Wu lived around 2,700 BC, but Daoism's founder Laozi lived sometime between 3rd and 6th century BC. did Chi Wu actually founded Daoism some 2000+ years before Laozi?
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Post by mdavid35 »

Introduction to the war

The war God known to the Han Chinese as Chi You is known to be Jaoji Hwanung, the 14th Hwanung of the semi-legendary ancient Korean Empire known as Baedal. Chi-Woo succeeded Sawara Hwanung to the throne of Baedal during the year 2707 BCE. Upon rising to the throne, Chi-Woo was almost immediately faced with the threat of the growing influence of Yoomang, who was a descendant of the Yan Emperor, also known as Shennong. Yoomang was the 8th and final ruler of the kingdom of Shennong. Chi-Woo declared war on the kingdom of Shennong, and rose victorious at Kuhon. Yoomang fled to his close relative, Xuanyuan, also known as the Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor led a tribe of his own, and merged his tribe with the Shennong tribe to form the Huaxia tribe. The Huaxia tribes declared war on Baedal. The Empire of Baedal was said to have stretched throughout the Manchuria, and into the Shandong region. The Huaxia tribes had settled in the Yellow River Valley region.

The result of the war and the battle
Jaoji Hwanung won all of the 72 battles, but Baedal lost one battle, in which General Chiwoo-Bi, a general of Jaoji Hwanung, disobeyed orders and was ambushed when he tried to lead an attack on the Huaxia. General Chiwoo-Bi was killed in the ambush, but Xuanyuan was later captured and surrendered to Jaoji Hwanung at the next battle. Jaoji Hwanung spared Xuanyuan, and the two rulers agreed that Huaxia would be a tributary state to Baedal.

Result and Legacy
The battle of Takrok and the Ten-Year war between Huanghe and Baedal ultimately laid the cornerstones to the kingdoms of Korea and China. For China, the Battle of Takrok was a decisive one that was essential to history in that Xuanyuan was given the title of Hwangje, which was originally one of Baedal's Five Noble positions. The title of Hwangje and the right to rule the land of the Huang He River Valley resulted in the bountiful history of China. Meanwhile, for Korea, it meant superiority over the Korean peninsula for centuries.
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Post by mdavid35 »


Jaoji Hwanung of Baedal

Ja-oji Hwanung (자오지 환웅) (2707 BCE - 2598 BCE) was the fourteenth ruler of the ancient Korean Empire of Baedal. Jaoji Hwanung is better known as Chi-Woo Cheonhwang (치우 천황). Chi-Woo is recognized today in Korea as one of the greatest rulers and heroes of Korean history. He was deified as a war god in some other parts of Asia.

Chi-Woo was a descendant of Baedal's first Hwanung, Keobalhan, who had founded the kingdom in the year 3897 BCE. The Baedal kingdom consisted entirely of the Baedal people, who were later called Dongyi by those in the Huanghe river valley, also known as the North China Plains.

Chi-Woo succeeded Sawara Hwanung to the throne of Baedal during the year 2707 BCE. Upon rising to the throne, Chi-Woo was almost immediately faced with the threat of the growing influence of Yoomang, who was a descendant of the Yan Emperor, also known as Shennong. Yoomang was the 8th and final ruler of the kingdom of Shennong. Chi-Woo declared war on the kingdom of Shennong, and rose victorious at Kuhon. Yoomang fled to his close relative, Xuanyuan, also known as the Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor led a tribe of his own, and merged his tribe with the Shennong tribe to form the Huaxia tribe. The Huaxia tribe declared war on Baedal, and a ten-year war began. Chi-Woo ordered for weapons to be created, and among these weapons was the first form of metal armor to be created in Asia at the time. Along with this armor was said to have been horned helmets as well. Chi-Woo's army consisted of 8 skilled generals, 81 adjunct generals, and an unknown but massive number of soldiers. Baedal and the Huaxia tribe battled each other bitterly in seventy battles. One of these battles was led by General Chiwoo-Bi, who was among Chi-Woo's younger brothers. Chiwoo-Bi was defeated at Takrok, and eventually killed at Hebei. Chi-Woo Hwanung returned to Shinshi. Upon returning, he moved the capital from Shinshi to Chung-Gu, which was located in the Shandong region. From there he ruled over Baedal and continued expanding, restoring all of Hwan-guk's territories at its height.

Death and Aftermath
Chi-Woo Hwanung died during the year 2598 BCE, at the age of 151. He was succeeded by Chi-Aekteuk, who became the 15th Hwanung of Baedal. Chi-Woo Hwanung was deified as a war god in some parts of Asia at that time. Chi-Woo's later descendants, the ancestral Koreans, also deified him and kept his memory alive, a memory that is slowly being revealed once again.
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Post by mdavid35 »

Shinshi (Hangeul: 신시, Hanja: 神市) or 'Baedal (Hangul: 배달국, Hanja: 倍達國) in Hwandangogi' was a semi-legendary ancient Korean nation that preceded Gojoseon. Shinshi literally means The City of Spirits where people live together in a protected area or The Fair of Spirit where people come together and exchange their goods.

Shishi in Hwandangogi

Founding of Shinshi State
The founding of Shinshi State is described in somewhat different ways according to the records.(see #Description of Shinshi in Historical Records). Hwandan-Gogi says that Shinshi state had been founded at the area of Baekdu Mountain and Amur River for giving a maximum service of benefit to the people. The capital city was called Shinshi. The legend says that Hwanin (환인,桓因) gave three presents of Cheon Boo and Ihn to Hwanung (환웅,桓雄), and three thousand people had descended from heaven with Hwanwoong to the area of birch trees. Shinshi state was also known as Guri, and its borders were said to have reached the Shandong Peninsula in modern-day China. The greatest and most renowned of the Shishi state's Emperors was Jaoji Hwanung of Baedal, known better as Emperor Chi-Woo, who was described as a brilliant military leader and strategist. It was during the time of Emperor Chi-Woo that the empire reached its greatest extent. The Shinshi state most likely disintegrated due to internal struggles, and probably fell to neighboring nations.

Government Structure
In addition, there were three imperial families in the Shinshi state, which were Sinsi, Gosi and Chiwoo. Thus, these three families became emperor in the Shinshi state alternatively. The descendants of these three families, thereafter, were divided into nine tribes, which is so called Kuhwan (Gu means nine in Korean). Kuhwan means the nine tribes from Hwanguk, which was a legendary nation of Korea. The word of Kuhwan is sometimes transliterated into other words such as Kuryeo(구려,九黎), Kuyi(구이,九夷) and Koryeo (고려,高黎 or 高麗). Eventually, the words of Kuryeo and Koryeo are the origin of "Korea." There were three representatives of Shinshi state who are Poongbaek , Woosa and Woonsa. The Shinshi state assigned Five Ministers; Wooga managed agriculture, Maga managed the life of people, Guga managed a penalty, Jeoga managed disease, Yangga managed good and evil. These designation names of Five Ministers were quoted from animal names, and they are used as designation names of Ministers in Gojoseon and Buyeo.

Shinshi state was succeeded by Gojoseon. Someone assumes that another major legacy of the Shinshi state is the Goguryo. As mentioned earlier, Shinshi was also called Guri, and the word "Goguryeo" can be broken down into Go-Guri, meaning Go(high), Guri. Thus, Goguryoe means "the Higher Guri nation." In addition, Goguryeo is also interpreted as the nation of Guri or Guryeo governed by the family of "Go" because "Go" is the family name of Goguryeo. Indeed, It is written in Samguk Sagi that Goguryeo recovered most of the lost territories previously lost.

War with Huangdi Xuanyuan
It may be considered the first war in the world history. When Chiwoo became an emperor, Yoomang (楡罔), who was a descendant of Shennong, was a king in the nation of Shennong. At that time, the nation of Shennong became powerful because the population increased so much. So, the emperor Chiwoo had a plan to attack the nation of Shennong, and prepared bows, arrows, spears and swords. The emperor Chiwoo built up the troops with nine generals and 81 adjunt generals in Tangnok(涿鹿), and conquered the troops of Yoomang at Kuhon(九渾).

Thereafter, emperor Xuanyuan listened that the emperor Chiwoo became governing the land of Shennong. So, Xuanyuan assembled the troops, and had wars with the emperor Chiwoo for more than 70 times during ten years even though the emperor Chiwoo defeated the emperor Xuanyuan at the entire wars.

Fall of the empire
Like any other empire in history, the Shinshi state fell as well. The steady decay of the archaic empire began after its golden age under its 14th ruler, Jaoji Hwanung of Baedal. Not much is known about how the empire fell or what the cause was, but Korean historians have inferred that corruption and border conflicts with neighboring barbaric tribes caused the fall. Emperor Geobuldan, the 18th and final ruler of the Shinshi state, ruled for a mere 48 years while a majority of his predecessors were recorded to have ruled for at least over fifty years at the least. Historians have also inferred that the last emperor of Shinshi state was a weak puppet monarch, much like other final rulers of a dynasty. Shinshi state is thought to have followed the same cycle of rise, height and fall. The last emperor to rule over Shinshi state in its time of imperial glory was Emperor Chook Da-Li of Baedalguk, the 16th ruler of Shinshi state.

There is a list of Shishi in Hwandan Gogi, as follows.

Geo Bahl Hwan (Hangul : 거발환 Hanja/Hanzi: 居發桓) (3898 BC-3804 BC) died when he was 120 y.o.
Geo Bool Li (Hangul : 거불리 Hanja/Hanzi: 居佛理) (3804 BC-3718 BC) died when he was 102 y.o.
Woo Ya Go (Hangul : 우야고 Hanja/Hanzi: 右耶古) (3718 BC-3619 BC) died when he was 135 y.o.
Mo Sa Ra (Hangul : 모사라 Hanja/Hanzi: 慕士羅) (3619 BC-3512 BC) died when he was 129 y.o.
Tae Woo Eui (Hangul : 태우의 Hanja/Hanzi: 太虞儀) (3512 BC-3419 BC) died when he was 115 y.o.
Da Eui Bahl (Hangul : 다의발 Hanja/Hanzi: 多儀發) (3419 BC-3321 BC) died when he was 110 y.o.
Geo Ryun (Hangul : 거 련 Hanja/Hanzi: 居連) (3321 BC-3240 BC) died when he was 140 y.o.
Ahn Boo Ryun (Hangul : 안부련 Hanja/Hanzi: 安夫連) (3240 BC-3167 BC) died when he was 94 y.o.
Yang Woon (Hangul : 양 운 Hanja/Hanzi: 養雲) (3167 BC-3071 BC) died when he was 139 y.o.
Gahl Go (Hangul : 갈 고 Hanja/Hanzi: 葛古) (3071 BC-2971 BC) died when he was 125 y.o.
Geo Ya Bahl (Hangul : 거야발 Hanja/Hanzi: 居耶發) (2971 BC-2879 BC) died when he was 149 y.o.
Joo Moo Shin (Hangul : 주무신 Hanja/Hanzi: 州武愼) (2879 BC-2774 BC) died when he was 123 y.o.
Sa Wa Ra (Hangul : 사와라 Hanja/Hanzi: 斯瓦羅) (2774 BC-2707 BC) died when he was 100 y.o.
Ja O Ji (Jaoji Hwanung of Baedal) (Hangul : 자오지 Hanja/Hanzi: 慈烏支) - 일명 치우천왕 (2707 BC-2598 BC) died when he was 151 y.o.
Chi Aek Teuk (Hangul : 치액특 Hanja/Hanzi: 蚩額特) (2598 BC-2509 BC) died when he was 118 y.o.
Chook Da Li (Hangul : 축다리 Hanja/Hanzi: 祝多利) (2509 BC-2453 BC) died when he was 99 y.o.
Hyuk Dah Sae (Hangul : 혁다세 Hanja/Hanzi: 赫多世) (2453 BC-2381 BC) died when he was 97 y.o.
Guh Bool Dahn (Hangul : 거불단 Hanja/Hanzi: 居弗檀)- 일명 단웅(檀雄) (2381 BC-2333 BC) died when he was 82 y.o.
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Post by mdavid35 »


Hwan State (7198 BCE – 3898 BCE)

The ancient Koreans thought that they were the descendants of the Heavenly God so that they generally worshiped the heavens and the sun, and liked brightness. In ancient time, there was no ruler for the Koreans because they thought that the Heavenly God had governed them. A Divine Regent had supervised and taught the people as a representative of the Heavenly God, and he was called Hwanin1. Mythical records2 say about the Hwan State and as follows. “The Divine Regent or Hwanin had descended to the Baikal Lake at the Siberia with 800 children. The children had lived around the Amur River and the Baekdu Mountain, and had extended their grounds so that the size of the Hwan State became about 8,000 km from east to west and 20,000 from north to south at the height of its prosperity. The Hwan State was a united nation composed of twelve states such as Biriguk, Yangwoonguk, Gumakhanguk, Gudacheonguk, Ilgunguk, Woorooguk or Pilnaguk, Gaekhyung-hwanguk, Gumo-aekguk, Maeguyeoguk or Jikgudaguk, Sanab-aguk, Sunbi-yiguk or Shiwi-guk or Tongo-saguk, and Soomil-yiguk. The reign of years is said to be 63,182 or 3,301, but it is not sure which is correct.” The conflicting years of reign can be explained from another mythical record of Budoji3, and as follows. “There was a very ancient culture of the Koreans, which was called Mago. The Hwan State followed the Mago culture, and had continued for about 3,000 years.” Thus, someone who says that the reign of years by Hwan State was 63,182 may include the reign of years by Mago culture.

Even though there are some historical records about the Hwan State, no archeological evidence has been found, and the Hwan State is still considered as myth. However, the Hwan State provides a clue why the Korean people have been called as Guhwan4. The historical records say about the origin of the Koreans or Guhwan, as follows. The Hwan State was a united state where many race lived together. Thus, at the end of the Hwan State, the names of ethnic groups were different from each other, and manners and customs became diverse. The ethnic group who had lived long before was called Beom, and the other ethnic group who had newly immigrated was called Woong. The two ethnic groups could not live together because the Beom race liked to plunder others’ property due to the characteristic of brutality, but the characteristic of the Woong race was stupid and obstinate. There was a queen in the Woong race, and she was told that Hwanwoong had a virtue and goodness of the Heavenly God. Thus, she asked him to make the Woong race revere the Heavenly God. In the end, Hwanwoong allowed them to be the people of the Heaven. However, the Beom race could not repent of their sin, and then Hwanwoong expelled them to Sahae. Because one of women in the Woong race could not be married, she asked Hwanwoong to be married with her. The offspring by Hwanwoong and the woman of the Woong race were called Guhwan. Literally, Guhwan means the nine kinds of the Hwan peoples because it can be categorized into nine tribes. Guhwan was also called Guryeo, but the reason has not been proved. Guhwan may correspond to the allophonic transcription of Guryeo in ancient times. In Chinese history books such as Shiji that was edited by Sima Zhen (145 BCE – 86 BCE), Guhwan and Guryeo were called as Guyi because ancient Chinese called the other races except Han Chinese as “yi”, which means barbarian. This is caused by Han Chinese Chauvinism. More specifically, Chinese history books called the ancient Koreans as “dongyi,” which means that a eastern barbarian because “dong” means east.

The name of Koguryeo, which is one of the ancient Korean kingdoms, is also derived from Guhwan or Guryeo. The imperial family name of Koguryeo is “Ko” so that Koguryeo means the Guryeo’s state that is governed by the Ko family. Koguryeo was also called Koryeo as an abbreviated name of state. We can also see that the current name of “Korea” is the transliteration of Korean word Koryeo as English.

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Post by mdavid35 »

Taewooui Hwanung of Baedal is also known as Fu Xi in china.