Hokkien Kelate (Kelantan Hokkien)

Discussions on the Hokkien (Minnan) language.
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Hokkien Kelate (Kelantan Hokkien)

Post by amhoanna »

Khui ci̍t kōaⁿ lâi siu ci̍t kóa KELATE Hokkiàn ōe ê culiāu.

Pinnn̂gsū VIVIAN LOK káisoeh Pinnn̂gsū kah KELATE Hokkiàn ōe ê khiuⁿkháu cha:
Dialek hokkien terdapat perbezaan yang ketara antara hokkien semenanjung Utara dan hokkien semenanjung Selatan. Dialek hokkien di Kelatan adalah berbeza dengan hokkien di Pulau Pinang. Hokkien Kelantan adalah lebih tekan dalam sebutan dan intonasi nada. Hokkien Pulau Pinang dicampuradukkan dengan bahasa Melayu tempatan kerana bangsa hokkien telah banyak bercampur dengan bahasa Melayu dalam pertuturan seharian. Hokkien Pulau Pinang adalah lebih lembut dan sopan dan merupakan hokkien yang mempunyai slang paling dekat dengan hokkien Taiwan.

I ê bolok lóng Máⁿlâi bûn, cán!

Ū ci̍t ê pêng'iú chuiciàn cit chut kìlo̍k tiān'iáⁿ leh kóng KELATE "Hokkiàn Siām" lâng ê tāicì--ê:

Simlāi ài seng cúnpī hōo Koaⁿōe kah Se'á imga̍k kiôngkan, m̄ koh tangtiong ū thiaⁿ tio̍h ilâng kóng Hokkiàn ōe ōo.

Tē bóe (第尾), ū lâng kià ci̍t phiⁿ 51 ia̍h ê lūnbûn tī bānglōo leh hunthiah KELATE ê Koaⁿōe, lāité ū cin cē Hokkiàn ōe ê culiāu, pílūn tē 29 ia̍h ê pió, "Dialek Hokkien yang bercampur dalam bahasa Mandarin di Kelantan mengikut penggolongan kata". Ū ci̍t kóa jīsû khah chùbī--ê:

"dam ma nia" = SEKEJAP

"poteh" = KOTA BHARU (ciū sī "photé")

"salongmua" = SARUNG

"samseng gia" = SAMSENG

"zapo" = LELAKI (piáusī m̄ nāⁿ Tâi'oân ū kóng ánneⁿ)


"zek ak" = KEJAM

"bosi la" = BUKAN (!)

"sibe" = TERLALU

"sikong" = SANGKA (?)

http://es.scribd.com/doc/234100759/11/D ... i-Kelantan

Lēnggōa, cit phiⁿ lūnbûn kóng tio̍h Siām ōe, Máⁿlâi ōe (hām LOGAT KELATE) kah Enggí ê pōohūn káⁿ māⁿ kah Hokkiàn ōe cin ū koanhē. KELATE Koaⁿ'ōe ciàukóng ū "Bânlám té", Koaⁿoē cioh ê jīsû phahsǹg lóng tòe cāitē Hokkiàn oē leh kā'n̂g cioh--ê.
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Re: Hokkien Kelate (Kelantan Hokkien)

Post by Ah-bin »

Kám-siā Amhoanna.

Nō·lê link chin-chiàⁿ ū hèng-chhù, khi-sian ê sī i kóng--tióh há-lê sī-lâng ê "Learn Penang Hokkien" ê míh-kiàⁿ.

Kóng tó-túiⁿ ōa-tê...

Wá bat khòaⁿ--kòe chít-pún chhe·h ū siá (tó-lo̍h chi̍t-pún chhe·h wá bē-kì iáu) kóng Kelantan ê Hok-kiàn-ōa siu--tióh Hoan-á-ōa ê éng-hióng chin-nià tōa, phì-jū kóng Pin-siâⁿ ê lâng kóng "Wá ê chhù", Kelantan ê Tn̂g-lâng tō chiàu Hoan-á ê kóng-hoat (rumah says) kóng chò "chhù wá". M̄-chai lú bat thiaⁿ lâng án-né· kóng á-bô?
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Hokkien Kelate (Kelantan Hokkien)

Post by amhoanna »

Ah-bin, góa māⁿ sī ánneⁿ thiaⁿkóng--kòe, m̄ koh hiah ê culiāu lóng bô siôngsè, bēsu in māⁿ sī thiaⁿkóng--ê niāⁿāⁿ.

Lí nāⁿ ū kihōe, pàithok lí khì hit pêng cáu--ci̍t--cōa--lah. Lí sī Ângmoⁿ, in khah bē pháiⁿsè kā lí kóng. :mrgreen:
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Re: Hokkien Kelate (Kelantan Hokkien)

Post by amhoanna »

Chōe tio̍h sin ê culiāu.

...orang cina kelantan juga mempunyai dialek hokkien yang tersendiri. terdapat orang yang mengatakan bahawa hokkien orang kelantan adalah hasil campuran bahasa thai dan bahasa kelate dimana berbeza sangat dengan bahasa hokkien yag berasal dari penang, atau negeri yang luar. Bahasa hokkien orang kelantan ini lebih kepada bahasa kelate dan dielek-dielek tersendiri menyebabkan orang luar susah memahami apa yang dikatakan oleh hokkien orang cina kelantan ini.
Ēkha koh ū culiāu. "Hócia̍h" kóng "SEDAKK" (sêng Máⁿlâi ōe), "tongkim" kóng "LONI" (sêng Siām'ōe), "m̄ cai" kóng "BO CHAI".
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Re: Hokkien Kelate (Kelantan Hokkien)

Post by timothytye »


Before you call people names and pass judgement on their writing system, make sure you can spell properly in your own.
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Re: Hokkien Kelate (Kelantan Hokkien)

Post by Ah-bin »

That is called "typo"… not a spelling mistake. (just made another one and had to edit :lol:

Also "sí-lâng ê" means "damned" in this case, nothing to do with dead person or calling names lah.
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Re: Hokkien Kelate (Kelantan Hokkien)

Post by timothytye »

Of course it's a typo. It's called being human. And I'm one too.
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Re: Hokkien Kelate (Kelantan Hokkien)

Post by Ah-bin »

Not particularly logical.

Isn't it impossible for you to make mistakes if you are the ultimate authority in what it right and wrong? I mean, you can break your own rules and then just call it an exception.

What are the rules for spelling a certain sound a certain way? The reason why I ask this is because you have many different ways to spell the same sound, but no logic on why something is leow or liau other than a rule you made up yourself….and that's why you get called "Pope", because you are infallible!
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Re: Hokkien Kelate (Kelantan Hokkien)

Post by Ah-bin »

Okay... now back to the subject at hand, after being interrupted by Eliza Doolittle

I found out the reference for Kelantan Peranakan Hokkien. It's by Teo Kok Seong, called.

Peranakan Chinese of Kelantan: A Study of the Culture, Language & Communication of an Assimilated Group in Malaysia. He also has an article about Kelantan Hokkien in the book that records the "冊我" (buku saya) construction in Thai South and Malay North: Ethnic Interactions on a Plural Peninsula, which is a book I have managed to read myself. I'll buy both if I ever get money.
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Re: Hokkien Kelate (Kelantan Hokkien)

Post by amhoanna »

Cōisiā, cōisiā! Nāⁿ ū kihōe, góa māⁿ siōⁿài bé.

THAI SOUTH hit pún góa bat tiàm GOOGLE BOOKS tha̍k bē ció, ū tha̍k tio̍h iúkoan KELATE ê Tn̂glâng.